The smart thing to do would be to work with your God-self on this. Multiple people I consider reliable have reported that anytime you have different possibilities for outcomes, all of those possibilities are generated and stored, even though you only experience one. So an adept at soul travel can go back to a certain point, alter key variables and run a simulation on how things would go if certain changes were made. Once you found/configured a location you liked, I would think you could sigilize that point, feed energy into it and shift into it - like a “save point” in a video game. I’m speaking metaphorically.
You are your mind, NOT your body. Having a body on the material plane creates an anchor for your memory that allows you develop and stabilize faster than you could on higher planes. Your mind would not be affected by changes in the material plane, provided you were the one who made the change. Everyone else would remember things differently than you.
And yes, that Enochian table kicks ass. It’s one of those things to file under, “Be careful, BUT be a lot LESS careful than most people would be.”
Both reality and the mind heal quickly - it’s the lower personality, Samsaric consciousness that gets traumatized and has issues when it’s tidy, stable reality gets violated. That’s why you always go through at least a miniature Dark Night of the Soul every time you make a spiritual breakthrough. Because your personality wants to preserve itself and its sense of being in control and breaking its stable reality gets it depressed and rebellious.
The dangers are to the health and sanity of your personality, which can go nuts if you hit it with too much stress at once. To pick up an example above, if you killed your father, you would probably just get the most genetically similar father procurable and incarnate as someone slightly different. Maybe the name everyone calls you will change (it’s not your real name anyway). This could be extremely stressful to the personality - most people don’t deal well with that level of disorientation and isolation. (In fact, I’ll bet a lot of people on this forum whose development is just really starting to pick up are starting to see why so many artists and people who get into magick develop drug habits and other issues. The whip-lash back and forth every day from spiritual reality to the mundane illusion is VERY stressful for the lower personality, but it’s those higher states that really feed us and give our lives meaning and momentum.)
But you would spend months and anticipate and tweak as much as you could in “simulation mode” before you tried switching over and replacing the actual experience. Again, careful, but not TOO careful.
It seems to me that the value of this sort of undertaking is primarily experiential. To actually experience this would drive home the malleability of reality and legitimize ideas of detachment and non-identification instead of just making them conceptual ideals that you pay lip service to but don’t really live by. It’s the power of, “This is real and I can do it and cultural conceptions of concrete reality are bullshit.”
And I say the primary benefit is experiential because our experience IS a simulated rendering of information accessed by intention. In other words, the reality you’re living in now is itself 100% replaceable, and there’s really no such thing as “the past.” But we have a deeply entrenched cultural monolith-idea of “THE PAST” that oppresses and constrains us every day and would be greatly deflated or outright crushed by an experience like this. There are whiffs of immortality in experiences like that… So it’s not NECESSARY to alter the past to get a cool new present, but it is a potentially valuable experience.