Is There Such a Thing as American Magick?

Although I am not a fan of classifying magick into categories (black, white, grey, high, low, etc.), it’s still interesting to me.

I am currently reading Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell and it makes a heavy emphasis on English magic(k). This is the English way and this is not, etc. etc.

Mainly the book emphasizes the work with faeries being the epitome of English magick.
So I thought about other countries and cultures…runes and Nordic magick for Germany etc.
The domovoi and Slavic gods for Ukraine and Russia, etc.

I was thinking indigenous magic by the Native Americans was American magick but they are only “American” after Europeans came here and called it America.

So what in your guys’ opinion is American magick?
Is it chaos magick? Pop culture magick? Black magick? Left Hand Path magick? Is it recognizing the god within as opposed to gaining the favor of spirits of the land, etc. Is it overall an emphasis on freedom and the individual? Is Crowley-influenced magick English magick in essence?
Maybe I answered my own question haha.
Love to hear other people’s opinions on this idea, American or not :slight_smile:
(didn’t know where else to put this topic)

That’s a tough one.

Technically Hoodoo, Pow Wow, and Appalachian Granny Magic started int he U.S. but they are based on African/European traditions.

Other than indigenous peoples, I would say no.

Runes. What you do is channel the energy in runes to reflect the caucasian of Americans more. Also demonology, but you havr to channel filter them to reflect american consciousness more. So i ritual what you do is draw a giant hexagram and put demons sigil in the center…then take a 1 inch thick cut of premium grade RibEye Steak and Sear or somehow mark a Rune in the center as a charged offering to then ask them demon to bring this style of energy…manifestations that are as juicy as this steak. You can of course do continued steak offerings to build an All Real American - Land of Beef - energy vortex that attracts monetary wealth, etc.

If you take Biosynth’s advice and work some steak magic might as well throw some tater magic into the mix for the added potency of a one two punch of steak and tater. Tater magic definitely originated in America.

Here’s a pic of a tater tulpa I once manifested using tater magic.

[quote=“lefthandedgoddess, post:1, topic:8246”]Is it chaos magick? Pop culture magick? Black magick? Left Hand Path magick? Is it recognizing the god within as opposed to gaining the favor of spirits of the land, etc. Is it overall an emphasis on freedom and the individual? Is Crowley-influenced magick English magick in essence?
Maybe I answered my own question haha.[/quote]

I think you pretty much did. America is the melting pot of the world in a lot of ways. If you’re defining “America” as beginning when the first colonists came here from Europe, then there is no real, made in the USA magick. It’s all imported. It came on ships from Britain, Spain, and France. Later from Germany, Ireland, Italy, etc.

Even newer systems, like Golden Dawn, Thelema, etc., started in Britain and made their way here. The Theosophical Society, born and raised right here in America, uses very British style Ceremonial Magick.

If you open up the definition of America to pre-colonial, then yes, the magick practiced by the indigenous population is American Magick. There are a fair few non Native Americans who practice it, so I would say that qualifies it as American Magick.