Is there a way to know if someone is using vodoun magick against you? I have no knowledge about this topic in particular

About a couple of minutes ago I was in deep meditation with Xaturing (who btw helped me gain lots of free traffic and followers like hell today so I’m forever grateful for that) I felt a weird feeling, one that felt very much like a panic attack and then I started hearing the word “vodoun”, the voice was kinda like from a female but I couldnt hear well, as I haven’t developed my astral senses in their full potency so I was wondering if anyone could guide me to see if someone is actually using vodoun against me or if it’s just my irrational thinking.

Use the Ei method. Use the search function

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I was into deep trance yesterday and kinda zoned out, I usually use the search function. But thank you, I will look into it.

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