Is there a Shinto god of the afterlife

I’ve been searching around and can’t find one. Some media points to Izanami, but she only died and entered the underworld.

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Izanami rules over the underworld. Does it matter how she entered? She was a divine being even before her death.


It’s Izanami.

The method of becoming a god of death/the underworld doesn’t seem to matter. For example, Osiris was originally an agricultural god but became the god of the underworld when he died.


How can a god die?

According to myth, Izanami died during childbirth while Osiris was killed by Set by trapping him in a box and then stabbing him (or he was carved to pieces, can’t remember)

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Both, actually. The trapping in a box was an earlier version of the Osiris myth, and the dismemberment is a later version.

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