Is scrying dangerous?

So im 16 and very new to all this magick and occult stuff and i was thinking about using a black mirror to scry so i can maybe see lucifer.
But i was wondering if its dangerous!
If so then pls tell me why

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You asked the same question before, about Ouija boards. Same answer …

“Scrying mirror is not dangerous… the spirit you’re using it to communicate with, might be. If you don’t have previous relationship with that spirit, then you better be prepared and protect yourself and the place you’re in, just in case.”


No more than Tarot cards or pendulums… in other words, only as much as you believe it to be. I used to scry stuff all the time whether I wanted to or not, never harmed me. I didn’t use any props, just casually looked into a darkened space and hey presto, there would be Runes or something. Sometimes a visiting spirit even. Don’t worry, it isn’t dangerous.

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Thank you so much guys!!!
I guess other people are just very ignorant and believe that anything like spiritual tools is dangerous. I just hate how other ignorant people spread lies everywhere on the internet about spiritual stuff being dangerous!

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I dont have a previous relationship with lucifer
But im trying to get in contact with him so i can biuld up a relationship with him!


Cool, "If you don’t have previous relationship with that spirit, then you better be prepared and protect yourself and the place you’re in, just in case.”

Is Lucifer “evil” so he would harm me ?

  • No. He’s not evil but he’s not good either. And you don’t know for sure who’s going to answer your call, maybe you’ll attract something/someone else. Right? Then be prepared and protect yourself and the place you perform the ritual in.
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You should not do this if you are scared. It’s going to confront you with your fears and if you dont want this or can not handle it - for you are quite young and maybe not prepared enough for a confrontation - dont.
It sounds to me as if you have another wish in reality: You want to see Lucifer and be close to him? Great. Do you know who he is?
Maybe my comment does not fit for your situation. Dont feel offended.

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Do you think its enough if i have some protective crystals and light sage in my room and then a lbrp ritual before and after


Yes i know about lucifer i have done alot of research about him. Im not scared.
But sometimes before i do a ritual i get nervous, is that bad

Yes more than enough :+1:

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Ok thank you very much

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Does it feel bad? I cant tell you that. Your question, if it is dangerous, implicits some kind of insecurity imo…
Lucifer is the type of deity that helps you realize where you can improve and things to work on; it might be that one does not like what Lucifer points at (–> the lightbringer, the teacher). Thats fits with a blackmirror.
I hope you will be succesfull, best wishes! :ok_hand:t3:

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Lucifer was the first “demonic” being I approached, unless you count Hekate, some of the Egyptian deities and the Morrigan? Technically, the Morrigan and the other deities mentioned are not “demonic”. Lucifer felt quite “light” in some ways to me, certainly not a really heavy energy. Seemed pretty cool to me and I had a few communications from his/her messengers or him/herself not long after. I personally don’t think there is too much to fear. Just be respectful, state your desires and offer something, even a candle and some incense. The black witch coven offer tea in some form also as a welcome to the spirit ev/invoked.

He is awesome, and scrying is everything lol. When you can order the mastering divination course, it help with your astral senses.

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That is good to know Timpler, I need to improve my astral senses! I was better 12+ years ago but had a kid and shut down my spiritual side. I was worried I might adversely affect my child. I was warned by someone about that.

It’s an amazing universe we live in. We call it scrying, but it’s really waking up. It’s strengthening your presence to see through the veil of reflected light , the brain created reality, to see what else is there lol. The purple light of akasha is key, seeing with your eyes, open or shut is the key. Good luck. And don’t fear, the part of us that fears is already destined to die.

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That’s been my problem, that part that fears, wish I could just zap it away! So annoying, I know I have capabilities and other people can see (some don’t want me to know). Any advice (as with the original poster, I’m sure) and exercises that work are appreciated :slight_smile:

The blue ray meditation is great, just search for it on YouTube. Also practice silencing the mind. It is critical to gain control of your awareness. Also try scrying into unadorned walls in your house. Try scrying into bushes outside. Learn to see the fae. Scry into the gravel, sky, check out the air spirits. The faces in the patterns of leaves, clouds, fabric, anything. Is the surface of the astral. When you see faces in things you can scry into the faces, that spirit might want to talk. Scry into the photo of a dead loved one to reconnect. Scrying is everything lol


You know, I’ve actually done these things but I just seem to be constrained by time limits and otherwise busy in my brain. Need to I do often see things too. Maybe I am not giving myself credit…

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