Is Lucifer a figure that simply personifies evolution?

Well I think, imagine half the population or more suddenly having their jobs replaced by automation and AI and then corporations with no customer base because nobody has enough money to purchase their products. That’s about how it’s actually going to go down and if society has any pent up resentment expect it to be taken out on the elite.

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There’s not a lot worse than all-out war and civil collapse.

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That’s pretty much if we can’t bump the current system enough toward the right spot between what we have now and social democracy. UBI will be needed if all the gig and contract workers want to be able to impress upon a bank that they’re good for obtaining a mortgage. The big three areas that haven’t got less expensive are food, property, and medicine and especially with the second it can’t take a hit very easily with so many having their retirement stored up in their housing value and similarly we’ve got a complete mess in our drug industry and how insurance works. Even if we’re able to fix a lot of that, none of it fixes crazy per say and that’s what the human race technically is in a lot of ways.

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Insanely unsustainable thats for sure. Immediate gratification and no concern for the future

When the starving and disenfranchised masses have built up enough resentment and finally had enough they will want to do something like this.

When corporate shareholders attempt to prevent it they will then go to these people’s well guarded mansions and seeing the sheer numbers of the angry mob the guards will turn tail and run leaving the shareholders at the mercy of the mob. The mob will then pull these people from their panic rooms and castrate them. Going to be almost as much fun as the zombie apocalypse to watch.
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I like Mark Blyth on the macro/meso/microecon and he puts this part of it like this - the Hamptons aren’t a defensible position.

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A glorious spectacle of severed testicle it will be!
In my own home town, there is a story my grandparents told me about a banker in the 30s who ripped off a bunch of farmers by calling in loans and repossessing farms. The farmers caught him on his way to town and beat him to a pulp, took him into a nearby barn and used animal castration equipment to get revenge. Let him live though so he could think about it for the rest of his life. So it makes me think my theory isn’t too far from possible.

Mark Stavish has a story he likes to tell in a lot of his seminars about a grocer he worked for as a kid who was on the eastern front. Apparently he was Jewish, working for the Germans, had the job of dragging in the overworked and dead horses for food (they loaded that down with paprika not to taste it), the officers let him know that they’d be killing the Jews in the morning, he luckily knew some Russian and was able to make it over to their side and be taken for a commander (most German defectors were strapped to the tanks as human shields), and somehow was able to get back out of all of that alive. It’s a way of saying that your path forward through those situations is untraceable, you can’t make sense of whether you’ll be someone who survives or dies, and there’s probably more reason for any one of us to believe that we wouldn’t make it than that we would. I have a friend or two who are fantasizing about having their AR-15’s and hunkering down, while I don’t fully fault them for buying the hype and grabbing their AR’s up, they’re not terrible guns, just a bit of structured social dialog, offers they can’t refuse, etc. and they’d be without their guns and under the protection (real or otherwise) of whatever national guard or equivalent is there to keep order.

I’m really not wild about the idea of such things happening because already as it is - if you’re the slightest bit different you’re not just permanently single but trying to survive constant economic assassination attempts at work or a fair target for getting screwed in one way or another. If the isht hits the fan if people are weird or suspect in any way they’ll just get a bullet. It’ll be all of the things that we can’t stand about society right now that might comparatively be on level 4 cranked up to 11.

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Deliberately orchestrating civil collapse in order to usher in a totalitarian state seems far worst, especially when the population can’t tell it’s happening.

Maybe those bankers wielding and dealing with reckless abandonment was always the point but I’m entering tinfoil hat territory.


In the sense that I perhaps meant that though it might be the opposite if it’s, relative to full civil collapse, almost bloodless.

When I think of full civil collapse I think of Bosnia in the early 90’s and situations like that. There a lot that happens in war zones that we just don’t talk about because it’s too disturbing. A good way to put it might be - a lot of situations quite close to mapping on to reality for crime-syndicate horror and snuff film type activity in some of the more popular 2000’s and 2010’s horror films (which were a lot of times ironically or not so set in Eastern Europe), it’s a bit like activities enough like those in sadism and cruelty being common occurrences just with the absence of a camera and at a far larger scale. A slight-of-hand overthrow of democracy would be deeply creepy and disturbing but the idea would be that if it’s a soft-dictatorship they’d need the morale of the people in the palm of their hand and they wouldn’t get it through mass executions or government rape and/or torture warehouses.

What I think could happen if we’re not careful in the US is that we’d have such a pandora’s box with technology that the elites get truly frightened, see it as cause to throw us into a China-style surveilance society and something like a soft dictatorship or tyranny and they’d do so because it got to the point where citizens were able to make synthetic biological weapons or automated devises were getting so good at penetrating the security of heads of state without any real link back to the user that such devices needed to be banned in a very heavy-handed way.

Oh they’ve already started by limiting what parts of “you-know-what” can be 3D-printed, or just trying to regulate that entire process in order to crack down on ghosts.

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Six winged apes! Six winged apes!

Appropriating the sacred sites, power symbols and renaming / casting down uncooperative entities worked out well for the right hand path in terms of market share :slight_smile:

Add in a malthusian population culling, with self-styled ‘elites’ surviving in bunkers and hardened shelters so they can repopulate the species, and an uglier picture begins to emerge.

I’m happy for the people who practice the right hand path then :slight_smile:

If they really believe that then their fantasies are as callow as the guy who thinks he’s going to hold up in his house and defend his wife and kids with his AR-15. If full social breakdown were to occur there are no plans that don’t unravel in short order, strategies maybe if we’re dealing with institutional fallbacks like national guard and FEMA trying to keep everyone taken care of and calm but you’re purely in the hands of chance every step of the way if it breaks down to individuals and gangs of individuals.

Humans are dumb when it comes to the future – no argument here :slight_smile: There is no safe sanctuary in a human-initiated apocolypse.

The larger problem is civil unrest precipitated by severe climate change in the form of an anoxic event. This is caused by frozen methane in the oceans and tundra melting and creating a feedback loop.

During an anoxic event the oceans stop producing oxygen and create poisonous hydrogen sulfide instead … then most life forms die and the carbon in their cells is slowly resettled to the bottom of the ocean.

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Possibly. Kremmerz, a mostly RHP occultist, wrote more or less “Lucifer tells to man: you may become God” in such terms like he agreed with that.

Lucifer is whatever your imagination tells you >=3 it’s just a matter of if he’ll role play with you xD