Is king Paimon Persian?

I’m Persian as well and was wondering the same :blush: I wonder if it also has the same meaning
“a promise “ or “oath” !


Nope, He wasn’t human originally. But He had and has human avatars. What King Paimon originated as is wayyy more powerful than a human.


Yes they do
Although they don’t kill people directly but if some one have another idea unlike them they will SUDDENLY find them selves in the prison and they suddenly die with no clear reason.
The whole islamic revolution goal is eradicating Israel,America,France,United Kingdoms by Military preparation and then when their saviour emerged,
They will enter in a apocalyptic world war with all EVILLL and establishing God’s government on the Earth something like the new world order.


Can’t agree more!

Apparently, I’ve talked to King Paimon a year ago or so about that and didn’t confirm that. I know that they’re both look kinda the same, but maybe they’re his close subjects? I mean, Ruda and his brother look like King Paimon, so maybe they’re his close subjects or something.

Like all spirits are (even us). Even so, King Paimon was known to humans and came to Earth multiple times. For various reasons too. As for him Sumerian aspect, he did tell me he was one of the Anunnaki, but he told me to figure it out for myself, since he wanted me to do research and learn more about them (he said it was important, so I listened). I found some results, but it’s still kinda hard to believe (even though I know King Paimon better than most and it does makes sense).


Yes, I read in this fourm that he was an Arabian magician although I don’t rely on it.

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I mean, maybe one of the times he came on Earth, he came as an Arabian magus, it’s possible.


He said to me, when I asked whether or not He and other so-called demons were Anunaki, He said ”no, that’s not us.“ But at the time I asked Him, I didn’t have a clear idea about the Anunaki. What I can say is this, though: Anyone who reads Sitchin or von Däniken and such, is on the wrong track about Anunaki. He’s not from Nibiru… :roll_eyes: There’s a lot I have to figure out, which is why I’m careful when I make a statement, it’s not something cobbled together from personal ideas and pet theories. But the whole Nibiru business is misleading, to say the very least.

He has indicated to me and another user who is also very close to Him (and probably others, too) that He is very ancient and powerful indeed. Arsu/ Ruda and other Middle Eastern deities are derived from Him, for lack of a better word, but there are many aspects to Him, in many manifestations. And yes, He wants us to figure it out by ourselves. He said to me on more than one occasion that everyone gets the clues and information they personally need, so that they can put some pieces of the puzzle together in a broader, generally more relevant sense, but they will also be put on a path of research and gnosis that will be relevant to them as individuals. I cannot speak for others, but this had been confirmed through my own experience.

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I mean, Sitchin translated the ancient texts according to his ideals. There is some useful info there I guess, but not everything there is true or valid. So, that needs to be taken into consideration. But I do believe that these beings, have something to do with all of this. But as you said, we only have a few pieces of the puzzle and we need to put them in order before we get more.

Yes, I know that as well. He’s one of the most powerful beings indeed. And there are subjects of his in every dimension and/or planets. Which is amazing indeed, everyone knows about him no matter where you are.


Sitchin and others may indeed have stumbled upon some valid parts, but imo they put their own ideas into their stories and turn whatever factual basis there might have been into jumbled fiction.

He really is hiding in plain sight…He has been guiding me toward this realization all along.


Yes, most people who follow his teachings too. King Paimon always guides people towards the truth (or even their own personal truth, in a way).


He could of been unnamed being within the Sumerian pantheon. Taking note that not all beings have a God aspect, he could of been seen as an Ugallu Demon in Sumer rather than an Annunaki.

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@anon48079295 Not a demon, no. He explicitly said He is not a demon, no matter how you define it.


I never stated he said he was either doesn’t mean he wasn’t depicted as one within their pantheon. People like to believe all these infernal demons are simply Gods of well known names and forget there’s more to existence then that. People just like to slap Gods on everything. Believing he’s a well known God in different cultures don’t make it so.

However many people don’t remove their bias of “these demons are just fallen Gods” belief and it shows in their “confirmations”


That’s why I try to keep an open mind and go with what I have found out through research and from what I have gathered from Him. It’s easy to let your own bias color everything, I totally agree. You’ve got a very good point there.


Yeah I’m not saying he was a demon in it I’m saying there’s a possibility he did not have a role with the Gods of that Pantheon in depiction, rather in human depiction he could of been an unknown demon to them.
However, research works, I tend to find that a secondary source after a means of removing bias from the subject when communication happens with them.


That sounds terrible, it’s truly horrifying.

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0_0 I can’t believe it

Thanks for the support^^

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=)) no they don’t kill em but yeah give them a hard time it’s worse than murdering in my opinion

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Do you also live in Iran?