Asmodeus is believed to be the Lord of Gambling and i think that’s where the Luck comes in.
In terms of skills and intelligence, i believe its all related to his powers of wrath, lust, passion, pain, and some other marsian traits.
Let me explain:
Most people when they hear the word “Lust and Passion” they think of sex only. Where else Lord Asmodeus did say Lust and Passion is not only applied to sex but in other areas in life ie. science, arts and crafts.
Let’s say If you asked Asmodeus for any skills or intelligence in some area of life, I believe this is how he might work for you:
He will increase your passion to pursue that skill you desire, hence become intelligent in the skill in the process.
He will quench you thirst to seek that skill or intelligence you want.
He will give you strength, motivation, discipline and will power to work on the skill or intelligence you want.
He can also use pain and wrath, by making your life a living hell so that you focus on that skill or intelligence you seek. A good example : bringing disputes between you and your family/friends inorder to for you to have non to talk with but to stay lonely focusing on growing your skill. Think of it this way, He removes those obstacles (including your loved ones friends/family) taking much of your time or not assisting much and preventing you from focusing and growing your skills and intelligence.
He can also use shame, fear to bring wrath and pain, so that you can channel those dark energies, dark emotions, dark memories, dark thoughts as a fuel for hardworking to improve your desired skills, for example like Batman (Death of family Trauma) or like Reverse Flash (constantly using his hatred to increasing his intelligence to destroy the Flash) *apologies if you’re not a comic fun, but i hope you get the picture.
Lord Asmodeus, he is not that different from Lord Azazel’s or King Belial’s way of working. They all can be mean, harsh or even a pain in the ass in working to manifest your desires but when you get the results, you will surely love it, enjoy, learned a lot of valuable lessons and your results can endure for long.
Lord Asmodeus is a marsian spirit, hence be careful when asking for your desires. Please be specific as much as possible in your pact.
The results can be magnificent, but the process might be hell. Although this is not always the case all the time, but most times its like that. Also Sartunian spirits like Lord Azazel act similar. But the BEST thing is that, they are the best spirits to kick your ass and quickly turn on your gears, if you’re a lazy, over comfortable, procrastinating person or just a guy who is too much of a perfectionist. Thirsty and looking for more.
In my experience, Lord Asmodeus is best or good for :
Helping you get laid (sex or Lust), now and then. *notice i did not say Love.
Removing laziness, addictions and procrastination habits.
Motivation, willpower, discipline and passion to work on your goals.
Offence and Defense: Protection, War, Dealing with Enemies.
Using your dark-side or dark thoughts/feelings to accomplish your goals.
Baneful Magick: death spells, cursing spells, life destruction spells, chaos spells and bad luck spells.
There might be other things he can do for you, but for me i rank those skills as his top according to my experience and many other magicians i have heard from.
You can read my workings with them in my previous posts :