Is it true that Lilith takes unused semen and uses it to create succubi?

I read it on this forum.

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To answer you shortly? No.
To answer you longer? She takes still borns and miscarriages in some stories of her, are they accurate? No idea.

Lilith - Wikipedia The wikipedia on Lilith is actually an excellent source of information on her.

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Not sure about that specifically for Lilith but I do know that when I took a Sex Magick class with Bill Duvendack in St. Louis, he said that physical sex between 2 people can produce astral children. There might be something to that. He further elaborated and said that it’s also possible to reabsorb these children into yourself for different purposes.

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Depending on the mask it’s possible she can also create cambions too using this method. Also use it to give life to or extend the life of nature and spiritual realms.