Is it possible

I know this might sound stupid but as Living Gods aren’t we supposed to be able to do anything?

I have a low end PC and I badly need to play GTA V. I say need because it has led to me taking antidepressants when I couldn’t play it. I am getting a new PC but it still cant really play GTA V without lagging. I have tried it before and it lagged. Take for instance those street magicians. I don’t need anyone to tell me that they are using tricks. I know for sure that they are using real magick.

Is it possible for me to use use magick to increase my PC’s RAM, Processor and Graphics Card?



I got this in my inbox earlier today:

You need to be able to communicate with the soul of the machine, and then also evoke omnipotence, to do anything like get what you have running at peak.

Much easier to use magick to get a new rig to be honest. Competitions, giveaways, gumtree/craiglist, spoiled bored rich person who just got something top-of-the-line and is getting rid of old perfectly serviceable gear… opportunities like that are ecerywhere, you just need to set the probabilities in motion.


I’m sad to say that it’s not magically possible to increase your RAM, processor and graphic card because of power regulated circuits. It’s the law of physics. Of course you could tweak the frequencies of the processor, RAM and graphic card with specific programs, like MSI Afterburner, and probably increase your RAM memory if there is a free spot in the motherboard. Other than that, there’s nothing else to do, except to ask spirits for aid in getting a better PC specifically meant for gaming.


Agree to both comments above, it is better you set things in motion for a better PC.
Overclocking your current machine/rig is just gonna ruin it for you in the long run, what are the specs are you running?
And I am pretty sure GTA V isn’t going to be the only game you would wanna play and at this moment the games in the market needs just too f***** high requirements.
If you want, try auctions there so many happening on FB, I have gotten lucky with somethings and have bought 1/4th of the actual price. :slight_smile:


Thanks. I worked with Papa Legba on getting a new laptop and it worked. Just that i later found out that it isnt capable of playing the game.

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Thanks. I will check it out.


Laptops are just not gaming pc’s. You’ll pay way way more to get one that is slightly comprable to a tower and part replacement is more expensive too.
Not worth it.

Just going to say this

Looks like an addiction issue, but you work it out for you.


True! Bought me self a “gaming” laptop last year and I believe haven’t played a single game on it. The required specs are just way toi high for these games.
I am probably gonna get judge by a lot of people saying this but maybe try to get your hands on a gaming console, at least it will last you couple of years.
Honestly @Lord_Raven wish you were closer to me(location wise), would love to help you out in anyway I can(in the mundane, magic is not my forte yet).


Brother now a days you can build an atom bomb and the most advanced A.I on a PC but not play a quality video game. PC’s are not for that purpose. Learned it the hard way. Just get a console.


Agreed. Could be worth looking at rituals to help increase willpower and work towards combating said addiction.
Finding other things to do, such as work and a social life, would also benefit you.


Are there forums where you may meet local people, like a hobbyist who might help you out? Again you can use magick to help the situation once you have a credible route for good things to come to you!


That’s really profound.


It is possible but not advisable for how costly it is energy and will wise and is limited in effect. You basically use your brain to end up replacing missing components and depending on how great the change if you manage it at all leaves you with a huge migraine or total burnout.

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Yeah I guess its an addiction.

Yeah thanks bro. I wish so too.

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Okay thanks

Some laptops are specifically made for gaming with comparable components as desktop gaming pc’s nowadays. There’s only 10-15% drop when it comes to the gaming experience. This is mainly thanks to the NVidia 1000-series graphic cards and Intel’s 8th gen processors. And these powerhouses of gaming laptops are getting thinner each year.


Upgrade to a i9 9900K CPU, Corsair H150i CPU water cooler, 2 DDR4 3200 speed Ram, go with a RTX 2080Ti, go with a reasonable 1151 motherboard, to match the i9 9900k CPU and a 850 Watt power supply, building your own end up saving money then purchase one say for example Wallmarts crap gaming PCs i watched Linus tech tips You tube Wallmart gaming PC Linus tech tips took Wallmarts gaming PC apart what they discovered the components was absolutely junk.


I don’t think so. But thanks I will check.

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