When you perform a Candle Magic ritual is it necessary that the room is completely dark? I ask this because I’d like to know if a such a ritual can only be performed during the nighttime or it could also take place during the daytime as long as you block out most of the light that comes into the room by closing the window shutters and curtains.
Thanks a lot.
I dont think it is necessary to have a blacked out room.
I have heard and read about working in darkenned conditions but from whaylt I can tell its more to gather shadow energy but again its more a kind of experience of etheric awareness etc.
When working with lunar energies then its important to keep the sun off the item you are have charged so in respect to that i would say that no direct sun would be ok… ie curtains drawn or no windows… also it creates privacy… but my opinion is that the candlemagick can be done anytime there is no direct sun hitting you or the candle…
I would like to hear what others think about the original question
I agree with Evangelos. Sometimes I perform Candle Magic at night, and sometimes by day. To me personal it depends on the kind of energy involved.
[quote=“Dimitris, post:1, topic:89”]When you perform a Candle Magic ritual is it necessary that the room is completely dark? I ask this because I’d like to know if a such a ritual can only be performed during the nighttime or it could also take place during the daytime as long as you block out most of the light that comes into the room by closing the window shutters and curtains.
Thanks a lot. :)[/quote]
The main thing is getting in the mental state for doing magick ( theta/ gamma sync) if you preform all your rituals in a single darkened room your mind is going to be used to getting into the state when you enter the room. a couple things I’ve learned over the years are that bright light makes it way harder to get into trance states and even if you do manage to get in one you wont be able to stay in it long. The light also makes it pretty much impossible to build up certain energies in that space… since you are new stick to the shadows, they are your ally.
I’ve never had trouble doing candle magick under any conditions. Once years ago I even did it during a class in school to prove a point.
I don’t pay too much attention to the day or hour. When the need for ritual arises, I answer that need immediately. I’ll even find myself sitting in my car with the windows up for a few minutes to bring myself into the theta/gamma sync and realign reality to my expectations, immediately!
And THIS, folks, is the No-Nonsense approach! Needs Doin’, DO IT!!!
(Many Thanks, EA, for the Input AND the chuckle!) Z
Well, since I live with my family in a flat, there is not much of a place for nighttime rituals I still need to find a way to get to thetta/gamma , I feel kinda blocked
I remember when I first started using Candle Magick. I had so much doubt and tried to make everything perfect. The best thing you can do is to simply connect and go with the flow of the ritual.
Keep your mind on your goal, then let yourself go. Focus. Breathe. Connect. Release. As I tell my students all the time, it’s about connecting with the ritual on an extremely subtle level, then bringing that level up and about, through and out of you. Connect, Breath, Release.
Many thanks, Dante.
I have a particular liking for clean, clear, simple instruction. In my early days,I was so worried about ‘getting it right’ - so frustrated with myself for not ‘knowing enuf’- that my ritual didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of Working! No doubt your calm simple answer will serve Hrajnoha - and all of us - well. Z
[quote=“Dante Abiel, post:9, topic:89”]I remember when I first started using Candle Magick. I had so much doubt and tried to make everything perfect. The best thing you can do is to simply connect and go with the flow of the ritual.
Keep your mind on your goal, then let yourself go. Focus. Breathe. Connect. Release. As I tell my students all the time, it’s about connecting with the ritual on an extremely subtle level, then bringing that level up and about, through and out of you. Connect, Breath, Release.[/quote]
I agree with this.
I would also add that practicing visualization so it becomes easier with time will give the ability to visualize your goal in a much clearer and realistic way, so it has more chances of becoming reality Ta
In your personal experience, when do you decide when to follow the planetary hours and days? What about moon phases? I know this should be basic information for the majority, but your statements, is it based on intuition and then act upon it?