Is it bad to smoke weed?

An occultist once said to me that when I smoke weed it slows down the process of opening my chakras. Is it true? I haven’t opened any of my chakras yet, nor can I communicate with spirits (but work on it every day).
haven’t smoked for 4 months (cigarettes & weed). Would it matter if I smoke or can I allow myself to do it once?

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The chakras are never closed so no smoking weed doesn’t slow down the process of opening something that doesn’t need to be opened.


It’s probably gonna be individual to the person tbh

I find it helpful sometimes

But I use small/moderate amounts and it’s not relied upon as a necessity


I second this.

I use it medicinally, so whenever my usual herbal supplements and lifestyle isn’t helping me sleep properly, or if I have a migraine or get sick, I use it.

For some, it can make their anxiety or paranoia worse. I know that it does for me, so I have to be careful when I use it.

If you are honest with yourself about whether it is helping you personally or not, then that is all that matters. Does it help you? Does it hinder you? It doesn’t matter what other people say because they are not experiencing your reality.


That’s Bs… There are lots of high priests and priestesses who do it regularly with excellent occult results


Weed is something that I feel you can’t make sweeping generalizations about, everyone really does react to it differently.

Me personally I have ADD and it’s hard to meditate without it sometimes. A lot of my most intense spiritual experiences and crazy things that happened during meditation were under the influence of cannabis. But it’s definitely not the miracle plant some stoners like to pretend it is. I think it’s best used ritually. Treat it like a sacrament in your practice, rather than remaining in the weed cloud every day. That’s the best way to unlock its potential.


I dont know much about chakras but I do know that I have to smoke weed to converse with spirits but I want to be able to learn to do it without the weed. Weed for me is more like a psychedelic than anything else. I know some people use it for pain and anxiety but for me it’s all about the spirituality. It takes me to another place, acts as a doorway. It’s THE most incredible experience of my whole life to be honest. I have felt many things energetically while on it. Its different for each person. Good luck and keep us posted ! :slightly_smiling_face:


The good thing is smoking weed can help you open up to the spirit world. I used to do it years ago and it helped me to feel more connected to the spirit world.

Bad part is that it can also make you attractive to parasitic entities or also trigger illusions which can be a waste of time.

If you know how to control it then I see how it could be helpful. I find the avoidance of weed to help my spirituality but everyone is different.

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I like what @anon48079295 said.

Working with energy isn’t opening up things that are closed or sealed, but becoming aware of the subtle energetic processes already going on within and around you. Its becoming aware, and then taking ‘conscious control’ of it.

I do not habitually smoke weed or do other recreational drugs, but I have smoked it in the past. To me, it was very calming/relaxing, which actually allowed me to notice the subtle currents easier. Not saying that it will have that effect on you as I already was able to sense and direct power quite easily back then.

Everyone will have their own opinion, backed by personal experience and the cognitive bias of where they are ‘at’. To me it sounds like the great debate of the pineal gland crystalization. Be careful of agendas.


When I first smoked weed it made my awareness of my energy body really heightened. I felt insanely large and crammed into a small body.

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It’s bad for some people and not for others. Yes you can get addicted to weed to. I have a slightly dimmer view of it, so I’ll leave it at that.


yesterday I smoked and then meditated. then had a kind of insight, difficult to describe. Will now work more on my Clairaudience. By the way, had a strange dream, saw a black / white energy in the universe, which then came down to me and went into my body. Someone in that dream told me it was Nyarlathotep. Can that mean anything?

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I am not sure about that particular entity, I have not worked with anyone other than Lucifer. But very interesting that you’re having experiences on weed also! It’s amazing isn’t it ? I love it! I have not heard anything outside of my own head, so that is cool if you can hear clairaudiantly! Out of all the “clairs” my only abilities so far have came in clairsentient or claircognizant.

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Have you tried to make that feeling permanent? Or did you not want to?

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I didn’t really care to, I don’t see a practical use in doing so.

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First time I smoked weed I was sitting in the backseat of my older sister’s car. And it must have been some real good shit too, because I don’t have a sister.




There is a phenomenon called Kundalini Psychosis, and yes, marijuana is frowned upon by some currents. Also, if you have psychosis, THC is a risky substance to use.

Do you happen to know rituals or ways to get rid of said parasitic entities? Because I had been smoking daily for years and I am trying to stop know. Sometimes I feel something is literally sucking life energy out of me and whenever I give in and smoke, I feel weak, lazy and unmotivated for the next few days. I know the scientific explanation, with dopamine receptors and all that, but was hoping it is not something more than that. Once when I was on shrooms I would close my eyes and see these shapes of like… bugs and stuff. Was quite disturbing, as I usually see other types of entities, those did not seem… conscious? Like I could not communicate with them. But yeah, any cleansing advice just to be safe? (Besides stopping the weed smoking, which I have been doing).

Have you done banishing and cleansing rituals? Sage, palo santo, and spiritual baths, etc. Find lots of ways to cleanse yourself and your environment. Practice protecting your energy as well, with stuff on this site. There’s lots of advice for psychic protection if you search for it.

I remember the time when I stopped weed was volatile for me. I think doing lots of grounding exercises can be helpful too. I’d spend a lot of time outside in natural settings and it was and still is really helpful.

I used to see bugs too, lots of them and sometimes I only would see their shadow move because they were so fast. There’s a lot of shit you kind of are opened up to when you get high.

It took me a while for my mind and body to feel clear from everything so be patient with yourself. Good luck!

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