Is evoking the same entity often disrespectfull?

As the title says, is it disrespectfull towards a spirit to evoke the same one often?

More specifically, I’m talking about scrying/sigil openings with Sastan, mainly to improve my clairvoyance.

Peace and love

Theres no absolute answer to that question. It depends completely on your relationship with the entity and if they are OK with helping you practice. If you cannot sense intuitively whether its OK or not, its better to ask directly. I know nothing of Sastan so couldnt predict what their answer might be.

I imagine that if you have already established a relationship with this entity and are on at least better than indifferent terms, it would probably be OK with it, but its something you need to feel for yourself.

Also it depends on your attitude; do you see the entity just as a tool? Or an actual teacher/mentor? Or something else? If you just see entities as tools for you to use; objects to be used at your leisure, then yeah I imagine most would take offense.

Gotta ask the one you are thinking about directly, though. Maybe try to divine an answer with Tarot or Runes.


I agree with BB44, it depends on the spirit snd what purpose you have summoned them for. They don’t like to be summoned only when you want something, the ones that love to teach are more than willing to help you or do favors for you when you need something you feel like you cannot handle or achieve on your own but they expect you to evoke them on occasion just to learn new things and not call them only when you want something for yourself.

It’s about mutual respect, working together. You work with the spirits, not for them, and you are not their boss or their master. Mutuality.

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I evoked Sastan for that in 2012 for that and again a week later. He was not mad at me just a little aggravated that i was not using his sigil to scry. so we worked it out and it became a step by step thing with him. “Do a week just scrying into a mirror with my sigil, now keep a record of what you see, Now we’re going to go over them to see what they all mean.” So just talk to him as you open his sigil and tell him want you want and he will be more then happy to help you. He’s a real nice guy like that=)

Well are you giving offerings? Surely you would want to return a gift/offering to the Spirit that is helping you. Form a bond if youre going to be doing extensive work with the Spirit.

That’s optional. The Fact that a magician wants to learn from and use what a spirit like Sastan teaches is the best offering to him.

I call on some entities daily, or several times a day - depends on the relationship - what’s going on, are they your ally and/or mentor, or are you just bugging them, have you had good results and good spirit comms before, etc.

Also, your reasons - a spirit allied to you by blood and so on, will tolerate your primate fear reactions and whingeing a lot better than some poor schmoe you summoned up out of a dusty grimoire, and laid your life’s hopes and fears at his feet - or hooves - and then expected fabulousness.

Be professional, treat these beings like like you’d treat people you respect and want things from, they’re NOT exactly that of course, but that approach will serve you well, in my personal experience anyway. :slight_smile:


Very true. And “blood” does not always mean, humans who were related to you and then died and were summoned here to help you ascend. There is such a thing as a spiritual bloodline, the demons, angels, and other non-human spirits that you are related to as in, where your soul and your godform comes from and which entities helped to create them.

May sound strange, but once you start seeking to merge with your godform you will find out where your own spirit comes from and the spirits that comprise your godform (and I say spirits plural) because most of us, our godforms have been around so long that they have already created their own children either asexually by themselves while in spirit form or while incarnated into a previous human body they created a child with another entity.

As the generations continue to form, with each incarnation that you undertake your godform may have very well done their own version of “procreation” so by the time YOU (the you right now) is born into flesh you will be merging with all forms of this godform including its children. Something that many will not understand or may not even believe is real until they undergo this process.

So essentially, we are all “related” to a slew of spirits out there and some of us, I think mainly those of us who feel the pull to take on the essence of our godforms, are related to some very powerful and high ranking spirits. I use the term related loosely because in a way, these spirits did create parts of your higher self however not by traditional means of sperm and egg. But the spirits still use terms such as “my daughter” “my mother” “sister” and so on, so that we can understand how we are connected to them because they know we use those terms to describe our fleshly families, so these terms are used for familiarity and deeper understanding.

And yes, spirits who have deeper ties to you than just simply being allies and friends, they still don’t want you calling on them 20 times a day but if you need to just talk, they will come. Even your birth guardians which may not be related to you but may have simply been assigned to watch over you by an even higher power, they will feel familiar like family as well because chances are, if they are watching over you in this life, they watched over you in all of your previous lives as well and are also watching over the other entities that make up your godform.

A good way to start scoping out which spirits you may be related to, when the time comes for you to merge with your godform, if you have a particular spirit that you really feel drawn to, you respected them from the time you met them even before you really got to know them well, you just feel this strange pull to work with them and keep them in your close circle of allies even if their skills are not exactly what you need a that time, they may be related to you.

I know there are a few spirits I have felt very close to for some reason and could not shake the feeling that there was something else between us, something very close like a powerful bond unspoken of and sure enough, I come to find out that one of them is the mother (creator) of my godform (well at least one aspect of my godform). So if you feel the need to evoke a particular entity more often than what should be necessary, that may just be your intuition telling you that you are connected to them in some way and your higher self is longing to reunite with them and feel that connection of “family” again.


It’s possible for most spirits to provide you with a kind of egregoric version of themselves, that runs a slightly lower level of capacity but is in all essential ways, them - the spirit I’m in a major pact with has done this, I think I’ve mentioned it before on here, it means I have contact and his insight etc., without having to really call up the whole interface. Or whatever to call it!

Other spirits you work with but aren’t as close can probably provide something similar, or familiars, again so you have something that’s both closer to the monkey mind level and always available when you’rer just being a bit needy and whiny, which I think happens to most of us at some stage.

It might sound a bit impersonal to have a “mobile-lite” version of a spirit you’re that close to, but it’s worked really well for me and since the spirit initiated the idea, it seems to work for some of them as well. :slight_smile:

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[quote=“RavensAscent, post:8, topic:7355”]Very true. And “blood” does not always mean, humans who were related to you and then died and were summoned here to help you ascend. There is such a thing as a spiritual bloodline, the demons, angels, and other non-human spirits that you are related to as in, where your soul and your godform comes from and which entities helped to create them.

May sound strange, but once you start seeking to merge with your godform you will find out where your own spirit comes from and the spirits that comprise your godform (and I say spirits plural) because most of us, our godforms have been around so long that they have already created their own children either asexually by themselves while in spirit form or while incarnated into a previous human body they created a child with another entity.[/quote]

Thought I might have been nuts for thinking like that.

So glad other people are here to be nuts with me!

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I am so glad that someone else is saying this because this is my experience but I thought if I said anything like this they will just say I am stupid and wrong. I KNOW I am related to some and have even been called Auntie by one demon in particular… So thank you. We do procreate and have families and offspring and yes often times it is a few entities that mix their energies and form a “child.” I know I have a child from a demon. And she is very different but I love her to death!

Ofcoarse not

I have the impression that an effective method for myself is asking a thing almost all the day and for various days, until success or an “enough” feeling (still testing this… I’d have to stick at a goal without giving up).
Sometimes I’ve delayed the dismissal of an entity, mainly for the said reason.