Is Astral sex the same as Physical sex

I’m a bit late to this haha. But this just reminded me of a woman on a fourm. I think it was called yourghoststories. She posted a story about an incubus experience, and that she became pregnant. She claimed that the tests came back positive, and the doctors confirmed it. She was having twins, so one with her husband and one with the incubus. How this happened was apparently the doctor said she ovulated twice, which was a rare occurance. In later replies, she said the incubus pregnancy was brief. So, it could be possible.


Hmmmmm… I both have a physical and spirit husband. So that could possibly happen to me? As far as I know you can’t be pregnant with a spirit according to some.

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That’s what I’ve heard, but u could be prego by a spirit in the astral world is what I’ve read on this site.

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Anyway do I need to marry my spirit hubby again in this lifetime because he was my past life hubby anyway?

I’m not sure. I’d say it would be 50/50. I’ve never experienced a pregnancy, physically or astrally with a being. Had a few scares and a false positive with a human though.

I’d say astral pregnancy is more probable than becoming physically pregnant by an entity.


There’s a lot that goes into it. For a physical pregnancy by a spirit there has to already be something to work with. You still need a physical sperm and egg. The process is like this first the female has to have the egg infused with demonic essence then usually a male is possessed and the sperm is infused with the masculine demonic essence. Many experience this as night terrors and demonic rape but most often the participants are willing and some kind of magician. My mother however was not.


Of course. Unless he possesses a random male or my present day physical husband for me to be pregnant by him.

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Spirit sex education 101 wow I’m learning a lot. :blush:


Several people on here have birthed spirit children.



Lady Eva detailed her Experiences with her pregnancy and birth if you want to check it out


Could I have more details about it? Do spirit children have physical body?

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No. They do not

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Yea I think Conner did as well

Cool. Mine told me that I’m not preggo with him yet despite us doing it every night.

That is correct. Male humans can get pregnant spiritually according to his Experience.

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Yeah just have him possess your physical husband. Without his consent He he he he… :wink::smiling_imp:

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Well I don’t know how to avoid spiritual pregnancies or why some never get them but you might find their Experiences useful should you become pregnant

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They can if it’s done the way I described it above. Crowley called it a moon child and even wrote a novel based on the concept.


We had a child before in a past life but he told me that he’s living in Taiwan right now.

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