Is astaroth and astarte the same Spirit?

O was Thinking about this as I was doing a iniciation with Ishtar/Astarte, and when she went to the other plane, i did a Lesser banishment of the pentagram and for some reason I felt this weird felling of someone being angry for this.
I was doing meditation and asking who was doing this and the answer was the spirit Astaroth. I did some research and i found that this demon have some connection with Astarte. Is he Astarte? I didn’t use his sigil for the rite of iniciation with ishtar, so i was surprised for receiving this angry responses by her sigil yesterday.
Note: I’ve done the iniciation rite again, and the attacks seased, and i now receiving communications more friendly with the spirit, so a good point! Lo.oL
Note: Never do a lesser banishment of the pentagram if you don’t know what spirit are around the one you are working, they might be hurt for what you done, and you would need to do all over again

Some people say that Astaroth is the demonized aspect of Astarte which I do believe personally.


Have you tried using the little magnifying glass in the upper right to do a search? This is a very common question and has been answered many times already.

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It depends on your beliefs. In my experience they’re not the same.

I don’t think so

I keep posting this because he explains this better than anyone so far lol


How does that explain the different sigils from the Grimoirum Verum and the lesser key of Solomon? When I worked with (verum) Astaroth, I channeled things like a huge (very personal) chain of things like union of opposites and the philosophers stone. She was also very defiantly female.

I thought my husband would be able to handle the other end of it, but I was so delusional by that point I had forgotten how dense he is and how difficult it ever is for anyone to get through to him about the basic facts of how other people perceive the world. (He had a horrid growing up and a mom who never listened to him, or really anyone else for that matter.)

I say this on the topic because when I’m working with ishtar, he actually attacked me after i did a cleasing in the house after she went away. Like i was cough in such a off guard manner, that i felt him burning my chakras (heart and laringic).
I was so put off guard because I did the Lesser banishment of the pentagram, as ishtar isn’t a demon so the pentagram wouldn’t do anything to her, but i would cleanse the air after it.
Those attacks continued after sometime, and i was forces to cut connections with her and him untill i get what is going on.
Good thing ishtar actually helped me to heal after this attack, and talked to him after. But on the same night he started again so I did this until I’ll be able to connect to her again and get whats going on

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Depending of the sigil that you call the spirit, he can receive a different effect of the cleasing in this case? I was boggled by this thing as i used JSs ishtar/Astarte sigil to call her and not the Sumerian one.

based in working with Astaroth everyday, I would say this is a common myth.

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@anon50839822 Is Astarte Astaroth? Yep, also called Angra in some cultures and Ishtar in others. The reason you felt as if a spirit was angry when you did the LBRP after the incantation was that it’s rude and disrespectful to call a spirit, ask it to do something for you, and then basically tell it “okay, get the hell out of my house”. Instead of a banishing, give the license to depart, a much kinder, more respectful, and gentler way to tell the spirit to get on task and let it know that you seek a peaceful, mutually respectful, mutually beneficial relationship with it, and there is to be peace between you. For Astaroth, I would say "Oh spirit Astaroth, I hereby license you to depart to your proper place, quietly and with the peace of Ee-Yah-Hoe-Way ( YHVH ) between you and me, Amen ( Amen is the same as “so let it be done, and so it is done” )

Is[quote=“Cesar_Alves_Machado, post:1, topic:134283”]
Is he Astarte?

These are separate spirits.

“I am not related by kinship with Astarte, but I know her” - Astaroth’s words.


No, I don’t think so. Astarte, Ishtar, and Inanna are said to be different aspects of the dark feminine current. Astaroth has multiple masks too of its own. Astaroth and Astarte just simply have similar sigils. But each to their own when it comes to what you choose to believe.

Just think like this, if you summon Astaroth with the thought that you’re summoning a female deity… You’ll probably suffer a bit, a lot or just feel something bad that will tell you something is not right… Well it isn’t.
Astaroth is not Astarte. Astarte is someone else.

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As someone who firmly believes that they are part of the same current my response to the question "Are they the same entity? " is:

:star2:It doesn’t matter :star2:

The ancient greek philosopher Heraclitus, has said that “Everything flows” and that "You can not enter the same river twice.
A very very simplified explanation of this saying is that nothing remains the same and everything keeps changing endlessly. Let’s say that these 2 spirits are the same. They come from 2 different mythologies and as a result they have different traits by default. Maybe the source is the same but the way humans interacted with these beings have led to great differences between the two.
So to simplify the answer, when you want to work with Astarte work with Astarte, when you want to work with Astaroth, work with Astaroth,etc.
In my personal experience when I interacted with Astarte her energies was similar to Astaroth but they were also different.


I have already repeated that the question of identifying Astarte and Astaroth is very difficult. Maybe their energies can be similar both because of the subconscious perception of them as a single entity, and from the ideas that have been layered on them through history.

And if you look even deeper, it turns out that Ishtar or Eshtar or Ashtar comes from the word “astar”, which, in turn, in pre-Semitic time meant the planet Venus in one of two aspects, transmitted, respectively, as ˈAshtar (morning star, male character) and Astart (evening star, female character). Western Semites and the people of ancient Southern Arabia, this division into male and female deities has been preserved, but the East Semitic is not.

I mean, the history of these two spirits is very old and confusing, because the historical process has changed their perception so much that now their essence gives rise to quite natural questions and discussions.

If we talk about my experience, the energy of Astarte felt like purely feminine, but Astaroth was the opposite.

In any case, everyone will have their own unique experience of communicating with these spirits, which is quite natural and interesting.

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Ishtar and Astaroth dont have the same sigil, the demonic sigil and how the sumerian Gods are evoked arent the same.

Their energies aren’t similar either, imo that’s just poor scanning skills. Ishtar’s energies are elementally very different from Astaroth whose energies is more dark elementally aligned while Ishtar is more light/celestial aligned.

Astaroth is a male demon and Ishtar is a Goddess. Ishtar’s “masks” are known really as Astarte and Inanna, while Astaroth doesn’t have any masks, atleast not well known ones as he’s been seen as nothing more than just a demon.

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I can only speculate about the possible masks of Astaroth in history.

First, it can be Astar - in Yemeni mythology, the supreme deity. In the Sabaean kingdom, Astar was the patron saint of royal power. The most famous hypostasis is Astar Sharkan (“Eastern” or “Ascending”). Many officials in the Sabaean state were priests of Astar, there were numerous temples. From the middle of the 1st millennium bc. e. Astar is gradually beginning to be ousted from the position of the supreme deity by local gods.

Astar is speculated to be connected to Ishtar

The name appears as Attar (Aramaic), Athtar (South Arabia), Astar (Aksum), Ashtar (Moab), Aṯtar (Ugarit)[1] and Ištar in Mesopotamia.

But it’s a slim possibility, albeit Astar is a God of war just as Ishtar is.

From my research and how I see Her:

The name Astaroth was ultimately derived from that of 2nd millennium BCE Phoenician goddess Astarte,[1] an equivalent of the Babylonian Ishtar, and the earlier Sumerian Inanna. She is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in the forms Ashtoreth (singular) and Ashtaroth (plural, in reference to multiple statues of her). This latter form was directly transliterated in the early Greek and Latin versions of the Bible, where it was less apparent that it had been a plural feminine in Hebrew.

But the Daemon Astorath is also very real entity, as it has been invoked, used in curses etc enough times. So Astorath the Daemon may be considered the Shadow of Ashtaroth the Earth Goddess.