Is Archangel Michael related to the Ancient Egypt?

Hello guys, I want to know if Archangel Michael is somehow linked to the Ancient Egypt, I was doing a meditation on him, calling him to protect me and then I saw a man ( an Egyptian) walking sitting on his throne but I kinda felt he wasn’t a God but as king or someone very important. @DarkestKnight can you please assist ?

The day before Yesterday I did the same ritual I saw an underground Army surrounded by fire :fire: .

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In my opinion, no, Michael is not related to ancient Egypt. Personally, I don’t really understand this need some people have to try and connect one pantheon to another.

That being said, Judaic mythology does tell of the Semitic peoples’ slavery in Egypt (particularly the story of Moses) so it does have a presence within the myths, though no angel is directly connected to it.

However, you have to remember that all spiritual encounters must filter through your individual consciousness, so the imagery we see can sometimes be more connected to us, than the spirit. Perhaps, then, the better question to ask is, “Are you related to ancient Egypt?”


To my knowledge, only fallen angels have incarnated as deities on earth, I’m almost 100% certain angels like Michael never incarnated but they can take part in creating humans which they can help operate through, higher dimensional beings that have the incarnated here in the past, came here usually for karma or to help the planet.

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I see, thanks for your sharing :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:

I see, so I need to figure out what was that imagery actually means. Thanks @Alahimavatara

Well, spirits can manifest in whatever form, in evocation it’s best you structure them yourself, that way they can bridge their consciousness to yours more easily.

Imposters may show up, they never show up for me but like I said spirits can take many forms


Doesn’t this set you up to question whether or not your experience is real?

The one noteworthy thing about most newer peoples first really impressionable spiritual experiences is that they take a life of their own and that the magician is not causing it.

I am truly asking because with aphantasia I’ve never been able to do this. I can see spirits now, I get impressions too still so, if I could conjure it up in my mind on my own and I don’t allow it to take whatever form it’s going to, how do I know it’s not simply from inside of me rather than an evocation?

My experience is there are both inner and outer spiritual planes so this suggestion seems like it would make it harder for a newer individual to discern these things, particularly since many of us don’t start out believing in the inner or outer planes, let alone both…

So how do you suggest they combat this? I understand that most of the time you will just know once you have experience, or your claircognianze will tell you but.

For those who haven’t developed their senses many don’t have this claircogniant guidance and we field hundreds of was this a real experience? questions.

I would definitely like to know how to better guide them on discerning this matter, particularly when doing activities that would make it less discernible. (My understanding is flawed basically)

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I can’t see clearly spritz, it always seems blurred but I can feel them, feel energy more than seing , The spirits I didn’t invite have this coldness breeze and they always come around my feet but that was long time ago. I haven’t felt them for a very long time


@Alahimavatara @DarkestKnight @Keteriya

Not to change the subject of this thread but I wanna know what’s blocking me. I can easily astral project, when meditating I can feel energy quite well, if i want my body to feel heat or cold or energy spinning around me, I can do all of them but when I call a spirit, it is difficult for me, I only managed once to call Luxfera, the energy was very high… whats wrong with me calling spirits?


You have developed your clairsentience quite well.

Good job, I too found it the easiest sense to develop.

You need to develop clairvoyance to see them and clairaudience to hear them, and telepathy to communicate with your mind.

The best thing to imop is to one practice often, banish often to reset the energy so your more likely to notice the subtle everything and focus on all of your senses at the same time rather trying to see.

Like when you are meditating and moving energy try to also notice what you can see, hear taste, smell, and what you are touching without loosing focus on the energy.

It’s difficult at first but as you do it you’ll notice the shadows start moving and blips of light and other indications you are tapping into your spiritual senses. You might smell things that aren’t there, hear spirit voices, feel things rather physically etc.

I heard music a lot at first. :woman_shrugging:

So my recommendation over and over hands down is focus on your physical body and summon often until you have consistent results.

Often but not overdoing it. These senses are almost like muscles and you can exhaust yourself or make yourself have physical symptoms of illness, headaches etc.

So be consistent, be reasonable for what you can handle and focus on the here and now. :crazy_face:

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How do you know this life is even real, you’re a bunch of atoms observed by universal mind into form, you don’t actually exist, you are a thought.

The same is for these spirits, they don’t actually have forms, so giving them a form doesn’t make a difference whether it’s real or not, you notice it’s legit when they start saying things you didn’t know.

My clairvoyance isn’t perfect either, I usually see spirits best when I let go, it just happens naturally, isolation is also necessary to a degree because this destroys the ego and makes it fluid which can prevent any projections you have on the communication


To be fair, so should also mention I used to complain that I could call upon angels, receive amazing results but never once notice they showed up or heard me.

I found some types of spirits took a lot longer before I perceived them than others.

It didn’t take me very long to realize that just because I couldn’t sense them, didn’t mean they couldn’t hear me or wouldn’t help me.

I found dreamwork to be very beneficial for communication on the interim between development of my senses and learning to project.

I basically ran with only clairsentience and claircognianze until I developed the rest, but even that was only consistent with certain spirits types.


I will definitely do these exercises, have the feeling it will help me a lot

Is it a bit more complicated to focus on the energy, then looking at the sigil and chant the enn? This might not break your focus and make you start from zero?

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Thank you , I will do that

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It’s not really zero, you still already built up intent and energy, it’s just harder to do and it’s easier to feel defeated when you fail over and over. You don’t realize it’s not failing, it’s a muscle developing. (Basically)

We are kinda taught to only focus on one thing at a time, so it’s difficult to hyper focus (maintain awareness) and sense everything all at the same time.

Like when you smell a rose do you close your eyes so the smell is even richer?

Next time, smell the rose with your eyes wide open, notice how it feels if its petals brush your nose. Notice what else you see besides the rose. What do you hear, how many people are around you? Etc.

Kinda like when you first start meditating and it’s just hard to focus on meditating because your mind has a mind of its own. It gets easier, more habitual, more something you can do while you do things.

Like don’t limit your meditation to when you’re alone. Do it when you’re around people, when your not just blocking them out or ignoring them so you can focus on you, inside your head.

Instead work towards hearing, being able to respond but still seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting if your having a family meal…and moving energy or sensing it.

Make that the goal and your senses will become very strong and consistent. You will be able to depend upon them. I say depend because frankly most of us get weirded out by claircognianze at least once but it’s a damned good thing to have.

It really takes a while to say yes I believe in this skill. Especially in yourself.

Or it did for me.

The best kick ass, save your own ass, gamer moves are claircogniant! :rofl:

In my experience your claircognianze never fails you, but your interpretation of it very much often fails until you learn how it works for you. I’ve often felt these senses are like learning a foreign language lol.

Having the information or gut feeling doesn’t always mean you react correctly, basically/imop.

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True and I need to be more consistent, I don’t work on my senses regularly :face_with_peeking_eye:

:joy:… claircogniant? Is like when one uses of all his senses?

Yep I always close my eyes

I guess this will help me to be more aware?
I noticed focusing on your body, how you feel is even better than just sitting and to see with your mental eyes.

Sorry @Keteriya I have a question that Is still popping in my mind, do you like to drink Grape :grapes: Juice a lot ?

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Basically clair knowing or just knowing. Have you ever had someone say to you…

man I don’t know how, but I just know… ?

This is claircognianze.

No, but grape juice means something to me from my childhood and I forget what it is…one of those things you think as a kid you’ll never forget it!

Also the vape pen in my hand could very well be grape, but I have no flying idea because I rarely think these funky strains taste like their names.

Sidenote, for the clowns in town: I just want to say, nosy much? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::eyes:

Lucky thou didn’t get bit by a my little pony! :rofl:

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Yes I have heard that
That is pretty cool and Especially helpful when taking difficult decisions

:joy::joy::joy: okay

Sorry I don’t get it what do you mean?

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The grape juice thing is like a memory trigger, but the memory related to the trigger is too faint to recall at this time. Like something was so funny I spit grape juice out my mouth and nose laughing.

But…idr what it was. The setting is when I was around 15ish? So like 20 years ago maybeish.

The rest was a joke! Except for the vape pen part, that was true and not a joke! :rofl:

Basically, someone was feeling my space out and I was making a reference to one of my servitors on the forum- making it into a joke and acknowledging it.

Hey I saw you, glad Luna didn’t bite you in the arse my friend.

Somedays I pretty much think I’m a comedian, but since no one gets my brand of humor, I can’t be! :rofl:

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I think you need consistency and make it a goal :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


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