I have been looking on the internet for some accounts of this for a long time but without success. I found many stories on falling sensations, rushing feelings, vibrations, electric shocks, sleep paralysis and many more, but nothing like what I used to get.
There was this period when I was a child, maybe 5 or 6 y.o. when every time I would go to sleep I would experience the following 2 things together:
a) I used to hear many voices whispering all together. I couldn’t understand anything of what they were saying (this is not that strange)
b) this is the strange part: I used to get this very odd feeling that I have never been able to describe well in words. It was both a mental and physical sensation that was always accompanied by the mental image of a huge shape, grey or brown in color, of which I couldn’t see the edges. This thing was moving, usually it was as if it were moving toward me, in a rolling motion, but it was hard to tell because that thing would occupy the whole image, so I didn’t have any point of reference to understand the direction of its movement in relation to the environment or myself, also because that thing was not really there. The physical sensation I can’ t describe in any way, I can only say that I found it very uncomfortable and I was always trying to get rid of it.
I remember that I talked to my mother about it and she, as a left brained philosophy graduate, looked at me as if I were crazy. In the end, every time I got it, I did everything I could to shut it off, moving a lot in my bed or tensing my luscles until it went away. Eventually, it completely disappeared.
Now, I can’t help but wondering if, by shutting that off, I created a mental/ energy barrier that is making my progress in magic and astral projection painstakingly slow.
Has anyone had any experience that could be related to this one? or any idea as to what it could have been? Or suggestions on how to undo the damage (if there was any)?
Any input is greatly appreciated