Invoking Casanova

Has anyone ever invoked Casanova? And took on some of his qualities to be an effective player? I think if anyone ever acquired his traits, they would practically become unstoppable in the pursuit of women :joy:

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Sitri, Asmodeus, Dantalion, Kret, all can help transform you into Casanova like Casanova never was


Frank White [Grail of the Serpent] did a GREAT channeling of Casanova that was posted on youtube a while back. Basically Casanova said in it to have no emotional investment in your romantic target, among other principles of seduction that are now utilized by some of the greater modern pickup artists I’ve seen, particularly those that employ the ‘mystery method’


That kind of underlines my theory in this.
Even if you would channel the great Casanova… In attraction and seduction there is no substitute for just doing the hard work and develop yourself mentally and physically in order to attract the type of person you want to attract. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: