Envocation - Reverse Possession.
Yeah that’s right you heard me envocation, not evocation. See before our forms can truly take over our body in the manner that we seek.
We must be able to take over theirs, yes we could just astral project and shift into them instantly.
However this is just mimicking the form of which we are trying to obtain.
Whether you’re trying to become a wolf, bird, lion etc. The other form we have built, through spiritual methods, Magick, ceremony, Meditation, energy manipulation etc.
That form sort of acts like a Godform, it’s part of us and is us but is separate at the same time.
It has its own existence which is independent of us.
So we must fully enter it, undergoing a intense transmutation not of our body, but first our mind and soul into the mind and soul of the animal we wish to become.
Envocation is a great method for this, instead of a spirit possessing us, we leave our body and possess the spirit.
Literally entering the soul of the animal, becoming it, seeing through its eyes and using its powers.
I started doing this with Div’s while working through the BMOA. However I have done this with spirits outside that paradigm too.
Kurtis wrote this on the topic.
" This is demonic possession turned inside out, instead of the Div using our physical bodies as vehicles for their power. We use their consciousness as vehicles for our will.
Through this process we see reality through their eyes, their specific attributes will then alchemically transmute our own perception of reality.
This will change is in incredible ways forever ".
He then goes on to state that the physical reality and physical body shifts, reflecting from the spiritual change.
The reason in the path of smoke the operator does envocation, is different from what we will be using it for.
I dissected Kurtis’s work on envocation, stripped away the cultural Ahrimanic influence.
I began looking over my alchemical workings back last year, I then implemented various components to the works.
What I was left with was totally amazing, I designed this type of envocation, to entirely align with the intention of shape shifting and causing a critical change in ones being.
Before anything we must make sure we create the nessercary changes in ourselves first before we can do the rite of envocation.
Energy Accumulation .
First one thing that needs to be understood, in order to maintain stability through the transmutation process.
You need to accumulate a great deal of energy before expelling it, into the spirit we will be possessing.
I am not going to give you exercises on this, there are various ways.
Simple meditation and visualisation isn’t going to cut it though. As the energy you raise need to be critical, solid and condensed and then anchored and grounded. Not just grounded in yourself but into your physical body, into every fibre of your cellular structure.