Invoke lilith

hi i have never invoke anything and i want to try to invoke lilith can you tell me how to do it and what to offer to her and what can she offre me

You can find numerous sources of information about Lilith if you use the search bar at the upper right corner. The search function icon is the handglass.

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You may use some of these elements: room illuminated only with ultraviolet lightbulb or lamp (and candles if you want), NASA Moon sounds playing in the background, incenses of sandalwood, camphor and poppy/opium.
Either begin by invoking the four elements or proceed to look at Lilith’s sigil and repeat or vibrate her name.

You don’t think that it’s too much for a simple invocation? When it comes about evocation/making contact with entities (which it is harder to achieve, not such a big difference, btw, at some degrees the evocation it’s internal, the invocation it’s just internal and there it also exist a line between invocation and posession which can be achieved) I use just the sigil of the entity and in some cases I didn’t use anything than just my mind. It’s ok if that works for you or if your feeling more comfortable in that way, but trying to convince someone that he/she needs all those things it’s bullshit, it can also discourage some people.

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U seems a beginner … So read 1st
Read alot to know what u want and what u want to achieve… U have make a good research "there is alot of information about Lilith in here " and alot of experience from people who contact with her and works with her … So go to the search bar and get start :wink:

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Sure :slight_smile: that was how I’d like to operate, and a small contribute to put together a practical reference, but really I use almost no items.

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better start meditating (in order to level up your magick senses) before invoking/evoking an entity