Hey fellow Lhp followers just a quick question- what’s the difference between invocation and evocation?
Invocation is calling of an entity into yourself, while evocation is the calling of spirits into manifestation outside of yourself.
When you call upon Mars to give you strength, you are invoking Martian energies. When you evoke the Spirit of Mars, you can converse with him and ask him to fulfill a task.
I hope that makes sense.
Thank you so mucg!
@DarkestKnight This is what I thought too, & of course now one of the books I’m reading says something completely different. Ok here it is…it’s in the Demonolatry book by S. Connolly.
“Remember that evocation suggests calling a Demon to physical manifestation against his will while invocation is a prayer asking the Demon to be present or bless the rite.”
Like whaaaattt?? I think I prefer to stick with what I originally thought.
Yeah, I don’t agree with S. Connolly about that because it strikes me as completely contrary to experience. Physical manifestation is hardly against a demon’s will. If you watch an evocation by EA, he doesn’t threaten the demon to appear. He simply commands it by Divine right, and, since it is the demon’s purpose to obey, they don’t put up a fuss about it. Connolly’s definition is nonsensical.
However, you have to remember that demonolatry is a religious practice so it’s definitions and methods of operating are very different from those of ceremonial magick. Connolly worships demons whereas most magicians don’t.
Her definition of invocation is agreeable though, because prayer is the calling forth of a power into yourself and your environment. Any time you see an Invocation to a deity, it is essentially calling for the power to be present within and without.