Invocation: how should I prepare, and what should I expect?

Hi, I’m new to this sight and also magick and demons in general. I’ve talked to some people on this sight already and it’s helped. But my first goal to reach is to invoke a demon, successfully. My main goal for invoking a demon is to get to know the demon on a personal level (which is my goal with all the demons I hope to communicate with). I am hoping that just because I’m not looking to gain something or fix something in my personal life, or gain some material wealth that the demon will still be interested in me. Could anyone tell me what demon would be a good first, if my intentions are good, and maybe what to expect or how to go about/ prepare myself for an invocation? Thanks!

I also wanted to know

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The 9 Gatekeepers are “optimal”, being high ranked entities (the ones to invoke for, basically, Ascent) and amongst them there are candidates to the role of Devil, such as Satan and Lucifer.
You may start with them or going in order, for example the first one is Belial. In addition, the 9 Demonic Kings, and also Lilith etc.
According to Regardie, during invocation the operator does a deep breathing and forms an image of the Spirit with the Hebrew letters of the entity’s name. That figure is imagined “enveloping” the magician, and the name itself is repeatedly vibrated.
Start the ritual by visualizing around yourself a Triangle which is inside a Circle, or have them physically: painted on the ground, 3 tealights for the triangle and a rope for the circle…

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Check this out:

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Ahh I see, start with the well known demons, good to know.

Thanks this helped a lot! Very descriptive and I appreciate the additional links.