Invocation during rituals

I’m thinking of invoking a demon and then opening a jinn ritual so they’re both on the same page as to what I’m wanting them to achieve. Does anybody have thoughts, tips or cautionary tales?


I’m not as familiar with jinn as I am demons, but here’s my steps to working with demons hoping that it can help you out a bit.

When working with demons, especially in Goetia, there’s a a bazillion ways to invoke or evoke them and you can even make your own rituals to work with them, but here’s my personal way of first incantating any demon.

  1. Find some sort of audio on youtube or really anywhere that utilizes the Enn/Mantra of said demon and meditate with it for a while. Every single spirit will have some sort of phrase that invokes their presence and is a monumental step into working with them. Like for example, if you were to invoke Beelzebub, the enn/mantra would be “Adey Vocar Avage Beelzebub” or for Leviathan it would be “Jaden Tasa Hoet Naca Leviathan”
  2. All Demons also have preferred scents and smells that can further help you work with them. Like Zepar for example likes Sandawood, while Marbas likes Myrrh
  3. Its also very common in working with demons to utilize their sigils as portals to further strengthen your connection to them. Whether you gaze upon thats hand drawn by yourself or look at an image of one. (Hand drawn would work better as it can act as a physical portal but in a pinch looking at a picture of one can help)
  4. And make sure you approach it safely, with high respect and patience, and with an honest and open mind with very clear set intention on what you would like to achieve

Regarding my personal experience, I often invoke by lighting a candle (to create a nice space for them) and meditating either laying down or sitting with my legs crossed, constantly repeating their enn. This will make them aware of you and strengthen your bond with them as long as you approach this with care.
This method is more precursor and preparation to familiarize yourself with that demon and its energy before performing a full ritual.

Constant and elongated invocation of a spirit will make u take on their characteristics and power. Invocation is the act of taking a spirits consciousness into your own, sometimes it may feel like they are looking through your eyes from within. Dont be scared, these spirits are here to help you not hinder you. Them being present within you is not a bad thing as long as its benefitting you.

Give them the proper respect necessary and all will go well and use common sense.

Those are my 2 cents.

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