Invocation and boners...?

Title says it all. It’s been a sudden thing happening the last few invocations/callings. It literally feels like something wraps around and lifts my junk up, holds it in the air and then insta-boner.
Very odd…

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Is that a bad thing? :thinking: I mean on a mundane side it seems normal/fine, on an occult aspect I guess it could align with the concept of sexual energy.


I guess you are fine unless it is Freddy Kruger :stuck_out_tongue:

But in all seriousness if this is bothering you, if I were you, I would state that I don’t want it in an authoritarian yet kind way.

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I honestly have to post this.



You’re welcome :laughing:

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It doesn’t bother me at all I’m an extremely sexual person. I just found it odd to happen during meditation and invocation it’s never happened before. A friend of mine said it’s possible my Kundalini is stirring up.

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Hm, I had that with Naamah, her energy is quite sexual so it’s normal :grin:

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I know that many entities can stimulate the Root or Sacral Chakras, causing the mage to become aroused.


Who are you invoking? If it’s Lilith this is normal.


Happens to me every now and then. Last night I was medidating on Durga and her energy is extremely sexual so yeah it happens.

Full bladder can do it esp upon waking. Houses should have a urinal imho. I live in the deep rural so if i gotta go with a mega morning wood i can piss outside somewhere.