
I suggest you put the entire idea out of your head and actually start learning how to perform magick before you swallow the Ouija board Kool-Aid.

You’re a complete beginner in magick, so I will tell you a hard truth:

Spirits can lie.

They will cater to your own biases and simply tell you what you want to hear if you have not developed the power of discernment which comes with experience.

Spirits are not all knowing nor all powerful, contrary to the rantings of those of a more religious bent. They have agendas, and nothing should be taken at face value.

Everybody want to be special, and delusions of grandeur abound in the occult. People get away with making all sorts of ridiculous claims to make themselves feel like they are “better” or “superior” to others in some way. It doesn’t make it fact.

Learn magick, develop discernment, and then maybe revisit what you were told. Otherwise, you will simply feed your own delusions of who and what you may be and waste your time “flying around the astral” but accomplishing nothing.