
Hello, i’m a Turkish satanist. I prefer not to give my name, so call me Vihko. I’m quite interested in demons and white magic like protection, healing and stuff.I have experience in scandinavian magic. I ain’t newbie but i dont claim any mastery. Also there are contradictions about my religion and demons here.I want to know you guys’s perspective against demons and stuff. My religion says Satan, Ahriman, Lucifer, Enki, Mara, Algız, Seth, Şeytan and Loki is same god’s names.Also my religion says demons are gods like Elohim. Also
my religion wants me to question about itself. So here i am with my narrow grammar. I hope I can clarify this situation for myself. If you guys want to know about modern Satanism feel free to ask questions.


Welcome :slight_smile:


Hi Vihko, welcome to the forum! :wave:t5::slight_smile:


Hey, Vihko, glad you’re here

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As an Aussie can I just give you a special welcome? I’m a huge fan of Ataturk, a lot of Aussies are. He was a God-man! It’s great to have a left hand path Turk! Welcome!


P.s. The Avenue of Remembrance in Canberra begins with bust of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk looking down that avenue. Given how many invading British subjects from the ‘self-governing colony’ of the Commonwealth of Australia he killed and wounded that’s really saying something! It’s saying GOD-MAN! (Like me, he also loved tobacco.)

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Welcome to the forum.

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@Vihko I want to talk to a Turkish person and I found you. I am writing here because I do not have the right to message, can you send me a message? I have limited knowledge of English to talk about these subjects, so I am aiming to find Turkish. I hope you see what I wrote.

The person you are trying to contact has not posted to the forum in over two years. They will not respond to you.

Thread closed.