
I am a software engineer and studying AI and later shift to AI Field.
I am from India .
If you want to ally with me ti create power structures in the world dm me both phycall or spirituall way .

1 ferocious passion for control and for that magick is one of the best ally

2 i want to bring evolution to AI and technology to such extent
atleast that those si-fi movie will look baby shit for that it would
be very helpfull if higher power directly work in alliance with me
3 magick tower project, i was inspired by egyptians but not primarly,
to execute this, i saw a visions of a tower which laser beaming and
had such a treamndous power through which conquering any dimesion
could be possible , it would be controled by few , and in that vision
i saw it in very vibrant form send waves through the worlds like
roaring dragon . Bascally helps to execute magick operation on lower
level but on higher level a resource for war and beyond .

Intro part 2

Do you have any practical experience in magick? No that much till now that i can call myself a proffesional magacian, just shooted some random bullets some hit some dont, but working on being a sniper .

If so, what, exactly, so you practice, and how long have you been practicing? Not practising any system till now , just doing random stuff in hindu and satanic religions

Do you follow any specific systems or traditions? Hindu and satanism

If you don’t have any experience, what areas of magick are you interested in learning about? Starting with basic carnal pleasures love, obbsession spells , money spells then procedding to evolutionary stuff which can help be draw power structures in this worlds then procedding to getting ready for spiritual war for after life either through path of Shiva or through my family of Black magacians(balg, online groups, messenger groups, indian cult etc i have been following balg from maybe around 2016 and met many groups and people in that journey) wherever they guide me too. Currently regulary i practise Sadhguru introduced path for 1 year , before that i uaed to do ea meditations .

Hinduism, Satanism, Egyptian(as i heard they directly extract powers from source and the way they play with chaos and order, unrevlling there past and future etc) i look foward to generally till now

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@MayaviSarvashaktiman Please introduce yourself properly. This post tells us nothing about you or your experience in magick.

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If so, what, exactly, so you practice, and how long have you been practicing?

Do you follow any specific systems or traditions?

If you don’t have any experience, what areas of magick are you interested in learning about?


