
Hello, my name is Raul and I am 19 years old. Very recently I’ve grown a strong fascination and admiration for all that you do and I would wish to be a part and learn it.

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What type of magic do you practice or want to learn?

How long have you practiced?

These questions are meant for us to better help or aid you.

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I have not yet practiced magic as I feared I might mess it up somehow without an expert. However I have gotten dreams of events that have not happened yet and I know it as such because when they do happen I feel deja vu. Also my dreams lead me to come to conclusions on something that is happening before I found out it’s happening.

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Okay … we are getting somewhere here.
What sort of posts on here interest you the most as topics or tutorials?
With premonitions or deja vu, we see some apparent psychic ability that needs to be structured and used.

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I haven’t really made the time to browse around yet as I have been working a lot here lately. But I also really took an interest in the more darker side. However I don’t wanna go there just yet. I wanna see what I’m best suited for


You dont have to work with demons or angels, there are all sorts of magic.

I recommend a balanced approach to your practice, initially I started as a edge lord summoning exclusively demons, I blew off my face with the dark magick and had some vary unsavory experiences, yes they made me better and I learned but in hindsight I wish I would’ve just worked with angels for things like strength and taken a more gradual and subtle approach, rather than the life changing, extreme experience I got from asking Ba’al and Belial to give me a spiritual awakening.

Anyways I recommend the gallery of magick books, the members are very experienced and the books explain everything so it’s super simple to follow along.

I personally recommend angels of alchemy, alchemy is basically the purification of the personality and focused on inner change.

My friend uses 72 angels of magick and he’s really changed his life in the last 2 years, he’s always positive and in a good mood


Thank you for the advice but I also wish to learn how to harness my dreams’ predictions and access them as well.

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Let’s start with a proper introduction.

Where are you from?

I see you haven’t practiced anything at all but have you done any research?

Do you have any specific interests in magick like divination, evocation, candle magick.

Please tell us more about yourself so we know how to properly assist you.


So you are looking for astral projection and astral work.

The Shem angels from the 72 angels of magick book can help you with dreams and astral projection, my friend had some crazy dreams with their help.

You should start a dream journal and record whatever you remember first thing in the morning.

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Well I’m from South Carolina. I’ve been looking into some things like divination but I can’t find a good website for it. I understand the basic concept but would like further training on it.


Yes that might also help me. For some reason I’ve discovered that if someone tells me their dreams I can decipher the meaning behind it. And on the people I’ve tested it on I was not wrong. They confirmed the feelings I said they had were true and by only telling me their dream I was able to figure it out.

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Cute avatar

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Take a look through this. You’ll find all kinds of helpful links.

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Alright I’ll take a look at it