
Hi everyone, y’all can address me as mystic (I dont wish to use my real name) I am a baby witch who has learned lots of new this being on this forum and is also looking forward to learn more new things on here. I have been on this forum since last year but decided to give up my previous account due to some personal reasons. Blessed be. :two_hearts:


Welcome! Have you had any success doing magick so far? :smiley:

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I have done quite a number of evocations before(although they’re mostly for King Azazel) and I would say they worked! I still have to practice more anyway :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Welcome @mysticpeaches

How long have you practiced?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?


Welcome back @mysticpeaches :slightly_smiling_face:

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I would say about umm a year, but its like on and off kinda thing if that makes sense…
I dont follow anything in specific, I just do whatever that comes to mind and whatever feels right :slight_smile:

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thank you :blush:

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Welcome :blush:

Where are you from?

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Thank you, I am from Malaysia :earth_asia:

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Well hello mystic peaches. Welcome back to balg.

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heyyy, thank you :crazy_face:

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