
Hey everyone.

Been lurking here a while and decided to sign up.
I practice demonolatry, enochian magick, servitor magick etc.
I’m trying to elevate my practice however and can’t wait to talk to you all.

Hope you’re having a nice day!


Welcome to the forum.


Welcome @complicatedowl. Please tell us a bit more about yourself.

Where are you from?

How long have you practiced?

What are your main areas of magical interest?

What bring you to BALG?


Welcome to BALG.

Hello @complicatedowl, welcome to the forum, glad you decided to sign up. :wave:t5:

I would prefer not to say where I’m from sorry :blush:

Haven’t practiced long, about three years.

I ironically had a very clingy apprentice that I had to drop as she was becoming to demanding that showed me this forum.

I enjoy all of your answers thankyou for responding :grin:

Hey queen, thankyou for replying. I love reading your answers! :grin:

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That question isn’t asked to be intrusive by the way, it’s asked because there are members here from all walks of life, from all over the world, different cultures and whatnot, and it helps to know where someone is from to help tailor our responses.

North America, Africa, West of the Mississippi, Somewhere in Spain, I live North of the Equator, etc…

When I first came here I said “I’m from the south”. It qualified even for the Knight

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Oh no, I don’t think it’s intrusive at all. Thankyou for suggesting the more vague option, I’m from south America. :grin:
I hope you’re having a good day!

Welcome :blush: