
Hey, I’m Nick, I’m really on this journey of Magic for one reason only but I’d be open to stay on this path once my main objective is complete. Realistically I want to create my own style incorporating tiger form Kung Fu, Goji Ryu karate and taekwondo. My background is grim, so I’ll spare you all the traumatic childhood! However, I’m at a place in life where now is the time to make a stand ha ha.

Realistically I’ve been told many different things, realistically I’m here to learn or be assisted in:

  1. Memory- this can be broken to being able to access my childhood memories to work on my mental health, also to obtain photographic memory, or perfect memory.
  2. This is a why not, but a love spell, madly in love with my housemate.
  3. This is on a whim, but if there any spells to implant memories, or determination… I’d take a “complete mastery of taekwondo” spell ha ha! Or taijutsu, I’d love the tiger fist form from the animal styles ha ha.
  4. I’d take a transformation from white to Asian too I guess ha ha!

Last one is probably impossible ha ha!

Welcome @Tiger Please tell us about yourself.

Where are you from?

Do you have any actual practical experience in magick?

If so, what do you practice, and how long have you practiced it?

If not, what areas of magick are you interested in learning?

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Honestly, complete newby, been trying out candle love magic on my housemate with no avail, realistically right now I have a set list of minimum sorta requirements of being able to access my memories to work through the countless issues of child abuse and the opposite of incredible memory storing ability with recall so I can learn and master martial arts a lot quicker ha ha!

I currently reside in Staffordshire, England right now, realistically what brought me here was curiosity and a broken toe slowing down my progress ha ha!

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Thank you for elucidating more, and welcome.

Look into what is known as shadow work. It can help reconcile and heal trauma.

Such a memory can be had, but it won’t happen overnight. You would be looking at long term in depth work, possibly over many months or years, since you have to learn the basics of magick first.

What rank are you currently? I’m 2nd Dan black in WTF taekwondo.

I don’t hold a belt, I was taught by a family friend, I can do a 540 roundhouse, just can’t master the hook kick instead ha ha! I will look into shadow work, definitely. The memory stuff, I don’t mind it taking a while, I’ve got years of work ahead of me ha ha!

If only I could steal your knowledge, I’d only have to learn 2 styles then ha ha!

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