Introduction to Felicia/Requesting help from those who've worked with Leraje

I’ve just found this wonderful community and now I’m excited to get insightful tips and help with my introduction to magnificent demons. I’ve changed my colors and I’m seeking actual hard-hitting results to take control of my life. Mainly, I’m interested in matters of the heart. Love has always been a troublesome topic for me and not out of lack of vanity but because of the lack of interest from the male spectrum. I’m seeking to change my destiny and rewrite the stars. And in doing so, I’m focusing entirely on my love life. I’m interested in getting aid from members/practitioners who have experience in contacting/invoking/communicating with Leraje. I’m excited to become informed and educated in the ways of demonology and will strive to continue my quest for a better, happier, fulfilled life. And, yes, for those of you interested in my “predicament”, the man in question is very much so worth my time and effort. I’m not some philanderer looking for a one night stand or a “Good Time”. I’m a woman who’s found a magnificent man at the wrong place and at the wrong time. And I’m looking to alter that.

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Do you have any experience in magick? You haven’t really told us anything about whether you do or not.

If so, what do you practice?

How long have you practiced?

Lel. Welcome.

Vaguely. When I did practice magick, when I was younger, it was always in a group (3+ people). A young Wiccan woman who knew more about magick than I did conducted White Magick spells for happiness, sexual health, and focus on my studies. Sadly, she doesn’t practice anymore and I’m looking to move on to greener pastures.

Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience. Welcome to the BALG forum.