Introduction post, parasites

I have been tormented by a parasitic entity that I think is a reptillian of sorts or something, it all started with LSD and always getting reptile like visuals, now I feel as the entity is sucking the energy from my **** or root chakra and also getting nightmares, sleep paralysis every night, I would like some relief from this, but all of this has also drawn me to the occult, magick and spirituality, so that’s me


You can use sleep paralysis to get out of body and defeat the parasites. How long have you been like this? have you practiced magic before. Answer these questions for proper introduction

Welcome @admos This isn’t really a proper introduction.

How old are you?

Where do you hail from?

What do you practice, and how long have you practiced it?

I haven’t practiced magick before I’m newish I’m familiar with the occult and such as I’ve been studying it for years, im 18

I haven’t practiced magick before I’m newish in that regard I’m familiar with the occult and such as I’ve been studying it for years, im 18, and I’m assuming you mean AP and I’ve tried but no luck as it seems when I try they go on the offense instantly

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Drugs aren’t always the best way into this sort of thing, this is a prime reason why.

Other than that welcome to the forum.