Introduction of Aeril

My name is Killian
(Kyton, Zamiel, or Aeril as my chosen magic names feeling as they represent different aspects of myself)
I have an inclination towards Vampyric, Draconian, Death and blood magic. It all started with ritualistic black magic and demonolatry until it slowly progressed into a deep rooted connection with Lilith. I use sigils often and enjoy my work in creating them. I have yet to experience astral travel and though it interests me, I haven’t spent much time practicing or perfecting the art.
I have been walking the LHP for only a short time in comparison to others, though I’m always willing to learn and search for my truths in this world. I conduct regular rituals to my chosen pantheon and follow several currents. I have also been known to do a tarot reading when the mood strikes me. I am always open for discussion of beliefs and practices.


welcome to the forum :wine_glass: