Introduction of a French girl

My name is Jennifer, I’m from France and not that good in English. Im currently reading Asenath Mason’s book “Draconian ritual book”. As I’m ill and heart broken I’m looking for something to comfort me and im very tired of the “light way” everybody want to sell us whereas there are more assholes in the “right hand path”. It has never given me any results instead sadness.
Since my childhood I’ve been attracted by witches and magic but im a little afraid of spirits and dont know how to go through that…
Im glad being part of your community!


Welcome to the forum Gwenevere. :grin::+1:

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Thank you very much :slight_smile: !!

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If you ever have any questions feel free to ask or use the search bar in the corner. :+1:

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Benvenue jennifer. Welcome jennifer. Also my french is not that good. We are glad you are part of this community. I am also new. Just joined yesterday

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Salut Jennifer. My French isn’t extremely good but I did take it as a subject for 5 years so theres that. Good to see you on this forum

Thank you everybody! Merci à tous :). Feel free if you want to speak with me in french :).
Myrddin: im going to look how to loose fear about spirits in order to see them :).


Firstly, Welcome to the forum

And Secondly, what I did to get over my fear of evoking an entity was I just summoned an entity ( I started with Belial but any entity should do) he was very kind because he knew I was a beginner and he took it slow, the thing I learned from that is this. An entity is willing to work with you and your fears, if you are willing to listen to them and allow them into your life.


I meditated in darkness “Alash tad-alash ash-tu”

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Thank you!
When do you invoke him? At night? The thing is that i have the fear of the dark (the iron maiden’s song explain my fear perfectly :rofl:). Do you see him as i can see a human being?
I dont know how to do but i really want to leave this fear.

I saw him as this


Wow I’m gonna shit my pants.

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Salut/ Wesh Jennifer! je suis francaise donc n’hesite pas si tu as besoin d’aide


Welcome, sister.

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The first time I did it at night, but after that he and I really didn’t care when I invoked him… and I didn’t see him at first but after a while when I was used to his voice and energy he showed himself to me…and as far as being afraid of of the dark, do some simple banishings and everything will be fine.

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He came to me as half man- half scorpion with horns and black eyes and tattered prison garb…idk what it means but it was nice to finally see him in all his magnificent glory…Ave Belial!

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Could you give me an example of banishing please?

The community here is great im so happy being one of you.

Salut! Je cherche à t’envoyer un message mais je ne trouve pas. Pourrais tu me contacter s’il te plait?

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I feel something watching and I just try to concentrate my thought sinto something else. How are these banishings ? Do spirits / entities flee from it ?

Bienvenue à toi ! J’espère que tu trouveras ce que tu recherches ici ! Mais cela ne devrait pas être très difficile étant donné l’incroyable bienveillance de cette communauté ! :smiley: