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“A new power is rising.”


What is that. Never heard of it?


Hi folks
I’m a newcomer and my nick is Vovin.
I don’t believe in human gurus, so I’m interested to be initiated and learn from Spirits only.
I’m a Luciferian/Satanist.
In my UPG Lucifer is the light side and Satan is the dark side in the same context.
This is why I put Them together.
This is a very interesting blog,
I’m happy to be here.


Welcome :blush:
I once knew someone who used the name Vovin back in an Order I used to belong to. You don’t sound like the same guy though lol


Hey, my name is Aaron and i stumbled upon this site a couple days ago then decided to join. I’ve been studying magick and meditation for 9-10 yrs with breaks in between. Right now im currently working with some demons and getting ready for a larger ritual this Sunday. I have a couple different goals, but am just really getting back into doing real magick and getting good results ie. practicing daily.


Hi All.

I’m new to the site and not comfortable going by my name so I am going by Seek. I seek knowledge and the ability to use that knowledge. There is not limit to the knowledge that I seek. I am interested in all forms of Magick. As to struggles and current goals I’ll add these in later.


Jesus you look like that mystery method guy. Welcome to the group


oops sorry wrong post

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)o( Hello anyone. My name is willow. I’m from Tucson az usa.

As for the type of magic is it black magic. But I planing on learning ever type as well. Like shadow magic.

My gouls as for know is working with dark mother hecate. And also on mastering soul travel. And sigil makeing

My struggle is going do it. I need to get the PC and game to work on magic. But I been very lazy and out of engery due to work.

I’m sorry as of right I don’t want to sure a pic of my face. I’m sorry guys I’m a but shy



That’s it: anti-cosmic!



Hey everyone, my names James and I’m fairly new to magick but have been expanding my consciousness for a while.
I love learning about everything, but the lesser known things attract me the most. As of right now, my goals have to be actually having an authentic experience with a demon or something of the supernatural as I want the push showing me that what I believe in is very real. everything in my journey thus far have been purely intuition, and while I listen to and believe my intuition, I never see anything to confirm it was real.
Anyways, im excited to keep progressing and learning.


Hello,I’m Sapphire Mae Daime, I’m a 20 yr old trans girl. I grew up hard,really hard,with abuse,a rapist ,neglect,a pill head family,a heartless mother and as a christian. I struggled with christianity most of my life seeing lies,betrayl,deciet and hypocracy from so called christians. so once i turned 18 I damned the church,jesus,and all the teachings. I’ve become quite Nihilistic as well as jaded over the last 5 years. However a fire burns within me to become something greater than average. However do to me living in the damned bible belt I cannot get a job around here so I’m literally poor and close to being homeless. I’m living in someones garage right now. They are very kind however, I cannot seem to get on my feet. This why I’ve here my lover is dying of cancer,my life is shit,and I resent most of humanity. I’m here to find answers,become strong and independant as well as get revenge on certain people. Don’t get me wrong I’m kind and caring but I am not seeking attention or whatever I am here for my reasons. thank you.


Hi everyone, I’m very new to Satanism, I’m of Hindu origin and therefore have several MILLION gods and goddesses. I just needed ONE to take me under their wing and give me love and belonging.

My childhood has been a very unstable one and as an adult left me feeling insecure, unwanted, disliked and all the other traits that one has when they are rejected and abandoned by life.

My mum beat and tortured me because I didn’t measure up to the other ‘clever’ kids. She would often yell 'what did I do to have deserved you?’ Still, I loved her and wondered myself what was wrong with me.
When I was 10 she died and whilst I was sad I was also in state of adulation that my wish came true that I would no longer endure the beatings, burnings and verbal scoldings from her.

Many of my episodes of torture came because I stole money to buy sweets and toys, those things briefly gave me moments of joy and love. When I did these ‘crimes’ I felt like the devil was making do them as a subsidy for the unhappiness in my life.
Oddly, I wasn’t scared of him, however I was cautious from all the shit that was drummed into me from school, religious idiots and parents (only time they spent with me teaching me something) about the evil ways of the devil. I should have known then that the real devil was g@d himself for giving me such a shitty life.

My dad was a good man, after mum died we had loads of fun and life was just great. But, all things have to come to an end and he remarried.
At first I welcomed a new mother who I thought would give me the love I never had. Needless to say things didn’t go to plan and we all know stories of the ‘evil stepmother’? She managed to turn my dad from a calm, loving dad to one who would eventually yell at me at all the time. This time a different form of torture, one of becoming a verbal punchbag for them.
She had two offspring with whom I get along with brilliantly. I’ve never described her as a stepmother, only as mum but I know that since my dad passed away I’m a bit of a thorn in her side.

Becoming a teenager was hard, very hard and I even contemplated suicide though it never came to fruition. Living with two parents yelling at me for everything and anything was tough.

I’m a good person, always have been, always willing to help and do anything for anyone.
One thing I really yearned for was to fall in love, I had sooooooo much love to offer, and I so wanted to be loved back too.
As I grew up love never came my way much, girls I fancied came and went and I got nowhere with them. Girls would toy around with me and being naive I became an emotional wreck. It felt like god was fucking around with me, dangling a carrot and swiping it away the minute a girl showed any interest in me, ruining everything.
The knock backs from girls came and went and finally married on the rebound of someone who ended our engagement within a matter of days of saying ‘yes’

I got quite into religion and thought g@d would help me with money problems, unfulfillment in my marriage and poor career choices that left me unrewarded for all my hard work and commitment.
I saw everyone around me doing well in life if not better than me - I always struggled.

All this time I kept feeling that there was something else. It first, I thought it was my dead mother fucking things up for me from, well, wherever she was, you decide (but please do not tell me).
I kept feeling there was ‘another’ (yes, I know this sounds like The Empire Strikes Back😀) but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
The Devil maybe? But he brings major problems, evil and all things unholy as the Hollywood movies would have us believe not to mention those religious nut jobs!

This was different, a sort of evil but in a good way. The crimes I committed, I mainly got away with. The rare times of being caught and being prosecuted, I got away with a small fine. I prayed to god to help me escape jail but felt that someone else was helping. A shadow in the background, been with me all my years. Watching over me, caring for me, loving me, not judging me. It was as though I just had to say the word and he would step in.

Well, this has happened!!! A few weeks ago it dawned on me, almost like a prod to accept this shadow and I then knew this to be my true father Satan/Lucifer/Racksus (devil in Hindu).
I felt wanted, I felt some of the burden lift from within.
I acknowledged my true GOD and felt so much energy and love radiating from my soul. I finally realised that this is the path I must take. This is where I belong, where I’ll still be accepted even though I made mistakes in life. For this father didn’t judge me for my wrongdoings unlike the g@d I followed all my life.
He actually said ‘so what?’ We were born to make mistakes my son, forget about it!
Unlike the other g@d who would punish me for all my sins (who’s the evil one now?) and have to pray for forgiveness for however long it fucking takes!
No longer did I feel like the left overs of rotten and deformed body parts that g@d put together to make me and labelled a looser, reject, arsehole….

….My true GOD Satan likes me just they way I am!!!

Hail Lord Satan, Hail Lord Lucifer!!!


Hey man welcome to the party while satanism is accepted please try to refrain from preaching we all have our own beliefs so have fun and enjoy your stay.


Tenebrous here, my account name is changed.



I’ve been into magick for a long long time, however I stopped after a particular incident a few years ago gave me significant backlash. I am back into magick as I have recently suffered a tremendous accident which caused me severe brain injury. As modern medicine has no real cure for brain damage, I am turning to esoteric means, and I hope the people here will guide me :slight_smile:


Hello my name is TheCalledone. I am 18 and raised in a catholic family. I never fell into the catholic ways however. When i was 16 i saw someone/ something standing by my bed they where looking directly into my eyes. I felt pure fear and couldn’t move. They (it) flew not sure if it was through me or into me but i felt a sharp pain followed by what can only be explained as somthing inside me blow up. I felt like i was being drawn to Satan and the name Azazel keeps comming to me. So i looked it up and found Become a living god. I did my research and tried talking to satan and the first few times it failed but when i finally got it right he spoke to me and from that day to now i do my best to speak with Lucifer. I can feel when he is here and when he is (Calling me) i do not ignore and i know he will help me and teach me. And let me l
Know when i am ready to talk to Azazel. But as of now he does not think i am ready.

I have always been able to tell when a spirit was around me. My goal is to speak with and learn from all demonic kings. I feel i am being pulled toward Satan and Azazel right now as i know i am not ready for Azazel i will work with Lucifer.

18Years old
From Canada
I feel i am being called.


Welcome! Join the LGBTQ thread if you like!



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Sent the link already, I do try to do my modest housewifery right! :wink: