Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Welcome! The accessibility of EA’s material is just amazing. I feel the same way. Have fun!


Hey at least you are on a path! Welcome. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


My name is dor and my correct struggle is losing weight, I’m seeking in a pact with a entity of self empowerment, get shredded and ripped, I can’t do it as a individual I need some push to reach my goals, seeking for some knowledge on how to make a deal with them, with a trust and respect I don’t want to end up when they are take advantage over my mental issues, I would be glad if someone will be willing to give me some guidance of the basics :slight_smile: thx guys, love this community.


That is a terrific goal! Welcome!

There are lots of ways to find that extra kick in the pants to help you achieve goals. Obviously in an intro thread we won’t get into that. I will mention however that by finding a spirit, god or archetype you feel has the right attitudes and qualities to help you, studying them and striving to take on those desired traits is an excellent start. Beyond that there are many types of magick and approaches for you to use, Seek and ye shall find. Do searches, add comments, ask questions, create new topics! Dive in.

Good luck with your goal. I’m sure you will find the spark you are looking for and that will resonate inside you.


Hey, @Dorp1. Welcome to the community.

I’ve struggled with my weight all of my life and I finally hit a point I just couldn’t get past.

Recently, I had a realization that my weight was emotional armor that protected me from letting people get too close to me, emotionally and physically. The weird logic is “You can’t hurt me, if you can’t reach the real me, right?”

When I realized that, I simply closed my eyes and saw myself standing in a suit of armor. And I said aloud “This armor does not serve the person I am becoming. I release it.”

After I did, I imagined the suit of armor falling down around my feet and saw myself with the body I want. And then I imagined stepping out of that armor and walked away from it, never looking back.

I immediately felt a real shift within me. And my body started responding within a few days.

I was already eating a clean diet, but I found myself craving even healthier foods, trusted myself when I found myself fasting, and trusted my intuition when it guided me to the correct exercise for me.

And the weight is literally falling off me. The fat pockets just completely let go of my muscles and it’s hanging loose. It’s not very attractive right now, but it’s just a matter of time now until it’s completely gone.

In all the years I’ve focused on losing the fat, I’ve never seen anything like this.

Try coming at it from that angle and see if it helps you, too.


Hello. I’m Eldrichllama, I originally got into magic through S.Bens work and joining the balg forum seemed like the next logical step.


Out of curiosity, do you use the Deadric script in any of you evocation/spells and the like?


I haven’t before, but I like the idea. I’ll have to give it a go this summer.


I might try that too


Thanks Eva hi everyone my name is Zach I am from Iowa I am 20 years old and I’ve practiced since 15 started with vampirism then worked void magick and now I’m on BMOA for the next three years look forward to meeting u all


Hey Debs! :blush:


Hello People! My Names Jacob, I started looking into the occult about three months ago and my life has completely changed since. My goal is to have very close relationships with the spirits and to eventually pass on what I will learn. Not sure why yet, but you guys seem to be a pretty great group of people.


I like your name


Thanks, I typed it myself.:ok_hand:


good job :+1:



I am David Fentross. You can call me Fentross Man. I live in Boston. I practice Buddhism and Black Magick. I don’t intend to preach to anyone. I just intend to help you learn. I am an adept. I am clairaudient and clairvoyant. My Ajna is active and fully working. I will tempt you with Forbidden Knowledge and darkness.


Always nice to meet someone who works with Aphrodite, welcome !


Greetings all! My name is Max Tunis and my interest is in psychokinesis and elemental magick. However I simply enjoy learning so if there is any knowledge to be learned I would love to read it. I want to learn all types of abilities but in the meantime I just practice telekinesis with a pendulum and meditation. I have a long way to go. I’m also a marketing consultant so if you guys want to get any business done in the secular world let me know! I also like speaking to people so contact me whenever for any convo. Respect to all of you!


Hey guys.
Name is Krystian and km from the Netherlands.
I’m really new to those things, but always wanted to try. I’m 24 years old and if any one have any advice I would really appreciate it cause I’m struggling with everything


Hi everyone. I’m new and so excited to have found this forum!

I look forward to learning with you all!
Short bit about me - I’m Julie and from Scotland. LHP follower with a Passion to learn :heart:️:heart:️