Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Its Stan, my friend. Lel.

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Hmm…you didn’t take a break. You were banned.


You actually got banned for a whole load of stuff, and off you go again, since you LIED to people about me giving you permission, and also claimed to be a woman. This forum is not for you, please try making a blog somewhere else, because that will attract fellow-thinkers and give you a place to be Master, or Mistress, or both, of your own domain. :+1:


Well, I’ve basically combined many disciplines and have evolved them into my own personal spirituality. I’ve gotten efficient at divination, Scrying, opening gates/portals, healing, hexing/cursing, etc…
The spirit world has gotten familiar with me and I communicate with it daily. I sometimes take for granted how easy my connection with spirit has become and think that others or most has the same or greater connection but most of the time I find myself alone And that is why I’m here. To be with a family that I can relate to

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I also have successfully channeled spirits and have done “auto-writing” and even “auto-drawing”.

I have pictures that I can share

Yeah sure we would love to see those, you can make a new post called ¨Elrik journal¨"and place all the art work in that post :+1:

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Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and welcome to the BALG forum.

Hello everyone my name is Sean and I honestly stumbled upon this website because experiencing some rather strange happenings in my pursuit to open my third eye. The whole thing has started to make me question my mental state and I thought maybe coming here would help clear up some things.
I’ve always been interested in the idea that the world was more than meets the eye and I strive to obtain the knowledge of the interworking’s of the strange world around us.
I am not so informed on any specific kinds of magick to my knowledge but if you happen to know anything involving spirits or succubus related stuff please pm me I have been needing some help figuring this situation out.

Thank you for doing an introduction as requested, and welcome to the forum

What have you been practicing, and for how long?

What does this have to do with opening your third eye?

I’ve been studying meditation and anything involving ancient civilizations that had any connection to otherworldly beings
and on the topic of how succubus have anything to do with my third eye it’s a long story but to make a long one short I’ve been having these sexual dreams that evolved into something all together different

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Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience and welcome to the BALG forum :slight_smile:

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I not only have pics of auto writing and drawing but pics of entities that came forth to say hi during ceremonies/rituals that I have done in the past.

Sure, I’d love to share.
I not only have pics of some of the “auto-drawing” that I’ve been privileged to experience but I have “sketches” that the spirits have done themselves of their Ancient World which includes infrastructure, landscapes and significant “moments in time” that unfold before your eyes. These “moments in time” seem to be scenes or scenerios that have lead to either Victory or Death. It’s quite the artwork and quite the experience to be exposed to.

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Seeing the laws of physics bend and break is a beautiful thing. It certainly is empowering to witness. It proves that the physical and spiritual can operate under one accord, proving that cooperation between each world is possible.

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I’m not sure how to start a thread. Can you help me with some direction?

Just go to the main feed and click on the button on the right that says “New Topic.”

je m’appelle Sébastien,
2015, Méditation pleine conscience, gestion de la douleur, recharge énergétique, nettoyage blocage,…
2017, solstice d hivers… Lecture de lecture biblique sur lilith premier eve femme… Contact avec elle très sex éveillé, simplement en lisant le texte… Depuis, elle ne me quitte plus, m’aide au cotidient et me fait voyager et me protége dans tous les textes que je lie… Elle est tous le contraire de se que l’on écrit sur elle…
Magie sexuelle, propre et consentante entre adultes responsable, solitaire… Ou, du moins pour l’instant les contact sont sexuelle avec les daimonds… J’ai l’impression de les connaître tous, qu’ils sont de ma famille… Comme les textes que je lie… En différentes langues, alors que je ne parle que le français, les réactions sont toujours sexuelle… Et positif… Même pour les pires “comme on les appelle” ils sont tous et toutes mes frères, sœur, aments…
Cette connexion est liée à notre mère terre…
Pas d’objectif biens précis… Le temps me le dira :wink:
Le truc que je sais c’est que les prochaine années vont être douloureuse pour certains et épanouissant pour les autres…
Ils sont enfin libres depuis 3000ans de prisons… Ils veulent des comptes et que les vérités éclate au grand jours et que justice soit faite… Comme il y a plus de 3000ans… Les gardiens de la mère terre se réveil… C’est la fin de l’humanité tels que l’on ne la connaît… Ils sont de retour et vous protège si votre mal est pour le grand biens du retour de l’équilibre Universel…
Frère et sœur brisés vos chaînes les dieux sont avec vous et vous protégent…
Ils n’ont plus aucun pourvoir… La boîte est ouverte et… Jamais, au grand Jamais ne se refermera…
Love for all…

@babakamasex It is a rule of this forum that all posts must be in English, as it is the common language here and helps to facilitate moderation. Please redo your introduction properly in English.

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Welcome, and yes, please post in English, is okay, many members here use that and we understand. :+1: