Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hello my name is Norma
I am willing to know everything about King Paimon sigil
I have a pendant could I wear it all the time?
Do I have to charge it with energy?
Thank you for your help

Hi, my name is Kay and I first summoned a demon when I was 16. I didn’t know she was one at the time, and over the past few years I’ve come to learn a lot more about her, one thing would be that she’s actually a succubus. We’ve “lived” together for about 4 years now, and it’s definitely been interesting. I’m here so that I can learn more about demons, magick, and the occult in general, because there’s so much more that I don’t know about, even with my partner around.

I’ve dabbled a bit in Satanism and Wicca, but I never felt drawn to either, so I’m not really sure what the future holds for me. Just taking it day by day, and looking forward to meeting some cool people here. :slight_smile:


My name is William I live in Illinois, Im a tree trimmer by trade . Although im not doing the same things as you do on this page i come from a diverse background dealing with things that you discuss on this web page, and would like to see other peoples experiences , yes i have much to offer in the understanding of things written , how things are written and how things are written to fool the masses, Ive been working on a book for some time now and have done over 14k videos the many deceptions that have been pulled off on humanity , so I am here as a observer to learn and if i can answer some questions , I thank you for the opportunity thank you

thank you

My name is mariam, im 18 years old. im usually into art and music and im new here (: I am very curious about demons too. I don’t really say much lol sorry. I do have a male demon whos been living with me for 7 months now, which is my demon lover atm (: Im also from New York and im Egyptian. nice to meet you <3

Thank you for doing an introduction as requested, but do you have any experience in magick?

Do you practice anything?

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no I don’t, im a muslim

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Thank you for answering my question, and welcome :slight_smile:


Anytime :slight_smile: i was wondering if you know anything about male demons …you can read my 2 threads I made

Hello… I’m Ria and obviously I’m new here lol. I’m awful with these introduction thingys I swear. Like what do I say!!! I was brought here from another page and instantly became enamored.
I don’t know what type of Magick I like and currently am just reading and learning. I grew up like a typical American in the South (church bible study etc) however, I’ve always been curious about everything. My grandmother used to “see things” (lol that’s how they described it to me back in the old days when I was a child) and I believe whatever she possessed was passed down to me. I have always been able to sense things and feel things. Duh don’t all people?? Lol yes but when I was small I would see things before they happened or would say something and it would happen. Apparently I am or was good at speaking things into existence and didn’t know it. I’ve did a few hoodoo type spells but really haven’t delved deep or tried to learn or grow. I now want to because like most people that wander here, have love and life issues. Don’t beat me up too bad about it.
My current goals are to learn and grow and fix my problems. Make a friend or two would be nice also!
Oh gosh my struggles are deep. Where to start?? My life is a whole struggle lol. Divorce, finances, housing, new love… you pick an area and I have a struggle. I am currently reading about how to bring back my love, not the ex hubby, because we were truly meshing well until a friend (female) suddenly decided she wanted him. I honestly believe other factors were the cause of it (he has been eating her cooking for years) and is always talking about god bringing her whatever she desires. He was a big help to me and so positive in my life and we talked constantly until he just changed overnight. Not like him at all.
So now I’m here!!


Hello Everyone. My name is Jay, short for Jayce. I’m 20 years old and am interested in learning as much as I can. I’ve dabbled with magic in the past, I’ve done a few spells and rituals and have communicated with deity a couple of times, so I’m not a total beginner but I still have much to learn. Thanks for reading :)!

Hello I’m shoshanna im 33 I have attempted minor things from Damon brand books such as 72 angels of power and angels of wrath.
I haven’t attempted anything major so I don’t even really know if anything works for me. So I need a lot of guidance.

Almost sounds like a love spell…law of attraction will take care of that situation, but welcome, honey.




Thanks for the welcome!!

My name is Vee. I’ve always been interested in the occult and all things terrifying. I began practicing magic years ago but too late to avoid many of life’s problems unfortunately. I turned LHP when I realized how much other utilized it to keep me in place. I’m into all types of magic as long as I see results.

Currently working to achieve my desires as I struggle to maintain balance within.

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Thank you for doing an introduction as requested.

What exactly do you practice?

How long have you actually practiced? “Years ago” is so general that it could mean anything from 3 years to 30.

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Hello I am new here and I am using this site for a month without signing up. I never ever read a book about magick or I havent done anything related to magick till 1 month ago. I starter after watching grant morrison’s video about sigils.

Hello, I am anonymous. But here is my magical background of myself. My magical journey began with just my interest of becoming a musician at a young age for materialistic reasons that most people strive for. Attention, validation, etc. but eventually I began to to smoke weed. The first time I felt it I remember gazing into my imagination at this swirling motion and there was shape that I had connected with. I never associated it with spirits or the occult or anything. It was just something that I felt and connected with. But the first time I felt that I channeled something was when I was playing guitar on acid, something else was in me while playing. This has happened at another instance while playing drums as well. Ive has a lot of other experiences on weed and acid that would take too long to get into. But anyway, way later down the road, I had started getting into more new agey stuff and was in a band. I had channeled something that was life changing. I could feel it in my heart and I think I unintentionally astral projected once with this rush of ecstasy(wasn’t in ecstasy). I’ve had other experiences as well like exchanging energy and what not. And attempting to channel energy while listening or playing. But eventually leaving the band, that is when I took interest in the occult. I began a pathworking that I refuse to talk about. All I’m going to say is that I was in it everyday for 13 months without skipping a single day but I ended up backing out for other reasons that I’m also not going to explain. But that is my introduction. This forum should be good to learn and gain helpful insights to help me in my own practice or even help others to the best of my abilities. :grin: