Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hi everyone,

I’m Samael (not my real name) from Nottingham (UK) and even if I’ve been knowing about this forum for a while I never joined until today.

I’ve been practicing Magick for all of my life, I’ve tried several traditions but I found my way a bit more than 10 years ago, when I came across the Left Hand Path and the draconian path.
In the past few years I wasn’t focusing very much on my magical progression, but as recently I’m making some changes to my life I’ve decided to include my magical practice in a more stable way.

I hope I can contribute to the forum and that I can learn from it as well. Would be good to make friends wandering on my same path too.



I’m The Sun (alias) hailing from Tanzania, East Africa. I have been a solo spiritual practitioner for a little while. Been an initiate to lightwave (light and sound meditation) energy and achieved enlightenment which has opened way to deeper understanding of spirituality in its different representations.

Im currently into Vodun,Various forms of local witchcraft and Vedic spirituality.

Looking forward to learning more from you all…


Hello there, I am Eduardo, from Mexico. I practice sorcery according my own paradigma. I am relatively new in this fórums stuff, but its great to see so many people sharing and talking about Magick and the Occult. I am Hecate and Hermes devotee, among other things and well, here i am to learn and to share.
Blessings for all!!


Hi my name is Chris I have just started on my spiritual journey 2 years ago. My goals for joining this forum is to learn from u all on the left hand path thank you all for this wonderful knowledge


Hi Linda - I am also a fellow seeker from Vancouver looking to expand my horizon of people that are involved or seeking a less traditional form of enlightenment. Please feel welcome to share anything that you believe can help.

Welcome @Peace888. To fill the requirement for a proper introduction, please tell us a little about yourself and any experience you may have in magick.

Thank you - I am new to magick and am eager to learn. I have no one in my immediate social circle that is inclined currently.

I do meditate on a regular basis and have, through a local provider, am the human companion of three demonesses that I am connecting with a bit more each day.

I live in Vancouver BC and look to find others of different paths that are looking to expand their spiritual horizons without limits. My goal in the short term is to conquer astral projection - have come so close.

I look forward to getting familiar with this forum and the members and welcome constructive interaction.

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Massage your third eye widdershins with heat cream - just don’t get it in your eyes.


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Are you serious? Physical stimulus of your third eye never even occurred to me. But I can’t see it causing any harm. Other than what you mentioned. Thank you for the suggestion.

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hi im veronica diable, I live in manila, philippines – quezon city specifically. i am interested to practice magick. i grew up in a catholic household and i was raised to believe in God even though i didn’t want to. I didn’t believe in him, or whatsoever that’s why i get pissed if someone starts a argument about Gods and stuff. anyway, one day i got into the ’ dark side ’ of the internet and i started to have interest in witchcraft, demonology and anything that is related to that topic. i always knew that i am capable of something, i just don’t know how to find what i am capable of. i didn’t think of much it though before… people always tell me that it’s hard to find a legit website or a mentor who could show you the way. my interests never left me though. i am very thankful that i have found this site. anyway, thank you for reading this.


Welcome New Members :slight_smile:


Hello. My name is Ria, I’m in my late 20’s and I live in New Zealand.

I was getting in magick when I was a teenager, but as I got older things got in the way and I was made to give it up.

Lately I’ve had some pretty severe problems with my mental health, which has awoken in me a desire to reconnect with what I used to have a connection to, and develop those connections further.

I have no particular affinity for any branch of magick, but will likely explore them all to some extent.

I’m not too big on socialising, even with the anonymity of the Internet, so I may not engage much in threads or discussions, but wanted to introduce myself so maybe I can still feel like part of the group.

Thank you.


Veronica, I hope you will find here everything you wished for

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Welcome Ria

Thank you for allowing me to join. I am female and in my 30’s.
I am new to the left hand path and trying to improve my life through magic. I have had success so far but still a newbie. I hope to learn and share as part of this community.

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My Name is Aaron but i go by Diakket Degatega or Dega for short. Im primarily a demonolater but practice all magick.
Im capable of advanced magick and currenly working on possession, chaneling and telepathy. Getting my life together one day at a time. Ive only been practicing for a year but proud and humbled that ive gotten so far so quick. Its more remembering instead of learning for me.
Currently struggling with wanting a coven or magick friends. I lost all mine when i started practicing.

Welcome to the crazy BALG family, well I’m not crazy, everyone else can speak for themselves LOL

Let us know if you need anything :slight_smile:



Currently a massive beginner and have small amounts of knowledge about RHP. I don’t have much to say but feel free to offer me any advise on how to start, tools I’ll need, and things I should do.

Take a look at other introductions and then post something more than “I don’t know what to say” LOL

what brought you here?

whats your interest in the LHP

anything particular you want to learn.

any experience in the LHP

do you like rice or mashed potatoes LOL

ok the last question was too much, but you get the drift!

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It’s great that you’re an unashamed, upfront lover of cigars. Congratulations! Wonderful and welcome! I reckon most of the world’s problems could be sorted out with cigars. If people just took the time to slowly and passionately love a cigar to its death there’d be a lot less mental disease.

Anyway, welcome and do try my old favourite Partagas Serie D No.4.
