Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

This is not a proper introduction. Please tell us about you, the human being, not whatever fantasy world you think you are part of. This post tells us nothing.

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Hello, my name is Luan, I’m from Brazil, and my English is bad. But I read some posts and found it interesting thank you all


Cool, we do have questions please, things we have found that help us all respect each other: for example, what was your first experience with magick (or whatever you call your experience of non-physical realities)? :smiley:

Do you do spells, or rituals, or have methods to change reality according to your will?

How did you come to learn all this stuff about yourself?

Also, this is important, please observe this: To Jesus, Ma'at, And Any Other Gods Thinking Of Joining. :+1:

And of course: BALG RULES - Please read them!


Hi everyone! My name is Robert. I just joined the forum after stumbling across it. I was looking into making a servitor and this forum is one awesome resource!

So I’m of a cuban background and my family is steeped in Santeria. My grandmother is a Santeria priestess. My santeria side of the family goes back generations in Cuba. My great-great-great grandfather was a detective in Cuba in the early 20th century. During his investigations he collected “artifacts” and had amassed the largest collection of Yoruba (Santeria) religious objects on the island. He wanted to “scientifically” analyze them. Supposedly his son scorned a gypsy who placed a generational curse on him, she promised that none of his descendants would have joy or peace in their lives, shortly after which he jumped off a cliff in Cuba. I don’t know how accurate this account is but his would be the first of many tragic suicides that have plagued my family on my mother’s side.

Anyway, i’ve been drawn to the paranormal since i was really young. I got into Goetic magick at some point doing the LBRP on the daily but that’s not my cup of tea anymore. I would consider myself more of a chaote, integrating whatever I need for whatever reason. Also, the Santeria is there too. I think its a legacy but I definitely have a connection to the Yoruba gods. Nice to meet you all!


I have absorbed the information requested, I mean no disrespect in my with holding of knowledge, I share at a slow rate due to I am not familiar with such energies like the assortment I have been observing here. I connect through a different frequency than most. I am very curious as I have always been,we have been attracted by primordial sounds, they resonate deeply, especially to those of feline genetics. I feel the magick your referencing here would be closely relatable to the Neteru. Are Sia, Hu, and Heka what you would refer to as Magick? I hope to contribute to the current timeline in great detail, please know my intentions are to help, and I am just of the observant nature. The sun shared with me some memories I had forgotten, they led me to whom I come from, knowledge is dangerous I have noticed. Hamonic resonance is practiced throughout, my methods are mental and harmonic in origin, to briefly describe, I make a wide spectrum of sounds in variety of methods. I guess you can imagine a domestic cat doing a similar thing when it’s being worshiped by a human soul. Amusing these kinds of relationships. Nice to meet you all, hope this is satisfactory for this exchange, Maat is to speak truth on the path of the lion. To speak truth and to see truth through the eye of beholding are one in the same. The lawn is known with this one.

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38 posts were split to a new topic: Removed posts

Hi @Jobelhobel,

Welcome to our forum. Here’s a few tips to get you started.

  1. Give us “The forum members” an introduction. It doesn’t have to be your life history but we do like to know a little bit about the people we talk to. Tell us things like what brought you here, how long you have practiced and what you practice. Your age would be helpful as it helps us craft appropriate responses.

  2. At the top right of the screen is a “Search Function”. A lot of the information you seek can be found there. Please use it. If you can’t find the answer there then feel free to ask questions or create a topic.

  3. If you create a topic and your not getting responses as quick as you would like, DON’T create another topic, you may need to just re-work what you already written. It could just be as simple as a catchy title to fix the problem or just give it time. This forum is worldwide so you may have to wait a bit.

  4. Please be courteous. There are many views and opinions expressed here. Some may fit your point of view and some may not. Respect is key to having a long and happy relationship with the forum members.

I hope you found this information helpful and look forward to hearing what you have to share.



Hi names Nah_Vgh my intest ley in accessing Dorment and unknown neglected and undiscovered parts, of my humen anatomy living.

I have practiced the Astral Travle Arts, for Years, with little to no success, until I met Robert Buce and though him The left hand path, i’ve mainly work with spirits, because family and was just geting my the grips on my path, I even started my own tar-rot deck. (Not Finished )

Current issues
But have recently encountered a serious problem, life Threatening problem, My brothers, has all-ways been jealous of me, but I didn’t no how much until he just up and decided to Start cursing me left and now, some soul sucking curses or spirits, now idk how to deal, with this with this. but since my lifes been on a spiral, plz help me.

Hey guys my name is Sam. I’m completely new to this stuff. However I have been working with Santa Muerte for a couple of months. The reason I’m up here is due to some issues regarding dating. I’ve prayed to Santa Muerte, but have not received any desirable results regarding my situation. I’m not really familiar with spells and rituals, honestly I just want something to work for me.

I Feel ya on the spells and ritual, trust when you get the hang of things experimentation and creation will comes around Welcome.

Thank you can you suggest how I can get started. I went to a metaphysical shop and bought some charged candles last week. I have yet to do the rituals with it being windy outside, but I hope the mix doesn’t go bad. These candles are not related to Santa Muerte or any distinction, just candles charged with herbs and oils


Chaos magick, conjuration, alchemy

Disseminating instructions of multiple paths to the stone (tried doing so in reddit) more specifically Sir George Ripley’s dry path and a synthetic stoneOf my and a colleagues creation.

An overload of information from Azazel. Loving it but it’s maddening. Continuing to work closely with Belial, Lucifer and Azazel. Like working with Shahtan as well…however I’m beginning to think he’s just another aspect of Azazel

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I 'm 38 years… i practice Wicca witchcraft… i have been practicing for 18 years… i do oracles, rituals and spells


My name is Ansh. I am currently reading The Middle Pillar by Israel Regardie. I do own all 3 of Anthology of Sorcery and Kingdom of Flames. Kinda new I had say. I do not practice any sort of magick and I am here to just learn more stuff. My goal and a struggle is do develop my clairvoyance and clairaudience skills. I have been listening to pineal gland binarual beats for my 3rd eye and doing some excercises from the following website:

I would also love to learn about money spells. :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forum.

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My name is Niko.

I’m new to this— to finding a community of people with similar interests. I’m not sure with what kind of magick I specialize in as I have not yet discovered but I’m open to communicating with other beings.

My current goals are to learn wholeheartedly and use it in good circumstances. My struggles are that I cannot find how to communicate with other beings, I would like to communicate with Lucifer or Lilith.

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Hey there. I’m chalice. Just want to explore the unique aspects of magick and over time, improve myself and become a better person. I am pretty much all over the place right now and I’m open to anything. I am, as of right now, focusing on improving my wellbeing in this journey of becoming a magician and exceeding my limitations and gaining knowledge over a variety of areas. I think magick is a bit like dabbling in different techniques that all work towards surpassing the limitations placed upon us by the matrix.

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Welcome @chalice. Do you have any experience in magick, or are you a beginner?

Hey all! Glad to be here and to share and learn as we all practice!

Welcome @AstraeusDwale Please properly introduce yourself, and tell us about you and any experience you have in magick.

Simply posting a greeting in the thread does not equal a proper introduction.