Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hey, @Luka.

Welcome to the community.

Don’t be afraid to just hop in, read threads, interact, and ask questions.

See you around the forums!


Hello, my name is Summer. I’ll make this as short and to the point as possible. I resonate more with high magick (even though I don’t care for the terms high and low) hermeticism and ceremonial magick and but I’ve only been very serious about my assent and putting the material I’ve learned so far for only a few years. I’ve been interested in magick a large amount of my life, I just didn’t realize it. Basically I was indoctrinated at an early age with the idea that all belief systems were accepted except for Christianity.

I’ve always been very intrigued with black magick, and/or the LHP, but I for some reason I’ve been intimidated by it. I suppose I have ridiculous and irrational thoughts having to do with something along the lines of what I need to master before I get into it.

Currently I’m going through self initiation with the Golden System and it can be rough at times bc I feel like it’s going to take me F.O.R.E.V.E.R to get where I want to be. The thing is though, I’ve always been pulled towards the LHP and I continue to obsess over it.

I’ve been an empath and I’ve had psychic abilities for as long as I can remember. With these skills, my powers of visualization and my increased awareness of what others around me cannot sense, has taken enormous leaps in progress, and I’ve as well as others I care about have benefited a lot from this. I want it to continue to improve, and I want so much out of this life and I don’t want to wait until I’m old as shit to get it and enjoy it.

One of the biggest struggles I have is overwhelment. There is so much I want to do, and I absolutely love anything that has to do with the occult. It feels like at times there’s so much to learn and apply that I get stuck on knowing what to do or the next step I need to take. I’m stopping myself right now from carrying on…and on… so thank you! :ghost:


Another from the Land of Oz! Well met sister! Stay strong. The path is long!



Forgot my password and used a throwaway email… this is my older account tied to a different email. Anyhow Hi, again Balg.


Appreciate the comment man. I’m going to look that up now.


Mamitsav Achee, baruch habad ha baiet shelanu, Yeshli echad hagah po.
Sleecha ha Ivrit be Englit shali be Inglit ze no tov :frowning:
Sorry my hebrew is not that good. I have a meditation here that might help you. Psychic Development for the Magician
Le chaim!


Please tell us about your music!


Hey y’all,

My name is Asa, and I’m a young black magician from Los Angeles California currently living in Portland, Oregon. I’m a musician, a mixed martial artist, and private military contractor. I bring Global Specialized Tactics training, support, and operations programs to military, corporate, and private clientele through consultancy and professional service mediums. These include Advanced Firearms Training, Edged and Impact Weapons Systems, CQB, multi-environmental Insertion and Extraction skill sets, VIP protection, and Elite Opposition Forces services. As I have progressed along the Left Hand Path and as an individual, I have decided to make the transition into empowering the powerless as opposed to the powerful, imparting my knowledge to others with the intent of empowering my fellow men, women, and everything in between to take back the power, individuality and freedom that is rightfully theirs.

Both a black magician devoted to ascent and a gifted hereditary witch, I have been practicing for a few years now and excel in evocation and baneful magick. I am currently working through the Mastering Divination Course and after I fly through that one I will be working through the Mastering Soul Travel Course. I currently work from E.A.‘s 7 cult classics, Kurtis Josephs’ BMOA, Asenath Masons Qliphothic Meditations, Asenath Mason and Bill Duvendack’s Awakening Lucifer, the Goetia, and a few other classical grimoires.

I’m most interested in pushing the boundaries of what magick is capable of. I don’t want to bring back the fantastical heights that ancient magickal systems and ancient magicians were able to reach. I want to surpass them and do my part to and fuel the limitless, perpetual ascent of the Left Hand Path for posterity.

Having trained and focused my entire life on a million different ways to destroy, my current goals are to create a grimoire on the most powerful, most forbidden ways to heal even the most grievous of diseases and ailments instantaneously, and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to get the job done. I wish to be able to mend bone, re-program cells, and remove terminal illness with a single touch, with a single thought. I want to be able to take my physical body with me as I soul travel into other realms and distant locations. I want to be able to create life as easily, as fluidly, and in as many ways as I can take it.

Due to my heritage as a Tunisian and Native American and my family’s long involvement with clandestine and special operations, I have a large degree of knowledge to impart which I give willingly to all who would ask, devoid of judgement or apologies.

I look forward to interacting with you all.




Nice latin my dude


Did you serve in the military or did you just do the PSC course with Xe or SOC?
You said your family has been in spec ops, were they army or navy?
I know a lot of guys in both we should swap stories sometime


I am little ashamed to introduce myself here.
But,I know it’s a rule,so… I’m Stefani.
I’m not native speaker,so please excuse or correct my mistakes.

I found E.A.Koetting videos several months ago and they lead me to this awesome forum. I have been reading it almost every day :smiley:
I have been interested in black magick since my teen years,but back in times I wasn’t good with English and in my place there wasn’t someone to advise me,so after several fails I lost my will to practice evocation.

I don’t know what I should say…
I’m newbie and don’t have so much experience.Currently I’m working only with Lucifer, because special feeling with him.
I think I need to gain more knowledge and confidence before working with some other entities…Idk.

I’m little confused now!

Currently I’m trying to succeed in scrying and to be more accurate in my tarrot readings.
My biggest goal is to achieve full manifestation, but probably I’m not ready for this.
So,I decided to change the course, and to focus on other, smaller things.I don’t have much experience and knowledge,so firstly I’m trying to gain some, and expand my comfort zone.
I ,honestly, don’t know what I’m doing and why it’s working and why not. Once I felt presents of Lucifer when I was doing my tarrot reading,but when I’m doing the actual evocation… there’s nothing!In the same time when I’m asking for something small like some extra money or other favor I’m having it in a day… And that’s really strange!:smiley:
But, enough for me.
Thanks for reading this.



I am really pleased to be here. I have had an on-off relationship with spirits etc for most of my life. Never really allowing myself to connect properly and learn. I enjoy tarot and have always had an interest in magick, but again never explored this. I must admit it has been due to horrific recent life experiences that has prompted me to look into this further.

I am hoping to learn from you all and discover new possibilities.


Nice name! I see we both watch Pirates of the Caribbean :slight_smile:


Shalom gam leha :wink:
I’ll check it. Thanks !


Hey, @TiaDalma and @Locket

Welcome to the community.

Don’t be afraid to just jump in, read some threads, post some questions, and start interacting with us.

Stefani, I’m not sure why you’re ashamed to introduce yourself … but get over it. :smile: I didn’t see anything in your introduction you should feel ashamed for.

See you both around the forums.


I was never in the military. I grew up in a family of Tier 1 Operators and we have a long history of service. My great grandpa was one of the original members of the OSS. I currently have and have had family members in both the army and the navy, the corps as well as several aspects of the intelligence community. I initially wanted to become a Night Stalker like a few of my family members, but seeing as most of them left the service to pursue more lucrative careers as contractors I trained my butt off with my family at Academi (formerly known as Blackwater) for several years, earning my qualifications there. My family’s affiliations and reputation got me in the door but I earned my qualifications. If you or anyone you know are interested in becoming contractors I highly recommend Academi as they are the complete package. World class facilities, courses and instructors with a plethora of experience and connections all around the world. There are some companies from the UK, South Africa, and Australia that are on point as well but I feel Academi is the best in the states. Did you serve? Are you a contractor?


Thanks for the welcome Valkarath :wave:


Hey welcome to the fam feel free to start posting and sharing welcome home. @ShivasyaTrishula


Salutations. Just stopping by to say hi!

I’ve been exploring various avenues of magic my whole life. The older I get the more I feel certain things calling my name. Still getting a feel for this place so not real keen on blasting it to the world!

I look forward to exploring this place more in depth



Just found this sub and I wanted to say hi. I stumbled on magick when I was in highschool and im revisiting it again.