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Hey, I’m from India and I’ve been into magick/occult for about 5 months. The topics that interest me are evocation and servitor creation.

Hey,i’m French and i"m a demonolatress and a Satanaist. I’ve been practicing for a few years.For now i"m into money magick.

Welcome @Dunne4

Approximately how long is “a few?”

Do you follow any specific system or tradition of Satanism?

I do not follow any kind of tradition, i"ve just named my demiurge Satan. I love Martin McGreggor’s book on Satanism.
In practice, for something important, i’ll do my rituals the Connolly’s way, for something trivial i’m more of an hedgewitch.
10 years aproximatly : 3 years following New Orlean’s Voodoo and for 7 years a practicing demonolatress (the Connolly"s way).

And I forgot to add, I know I’m not crazy but there’s a voice inside my head, sometimes it guides me and dictates some information. But the voice rarely talk to me I can’t reach it. I can feel that voice is in a good side. I wish I can find a mentor IRL :pensive:

Typically spur-of-the-moment chaos magic, sigil, and candle work. I’ve been practicing for about 5 years but I’ve been interested in magic and the occult for over a decade.

Hey, there is nothing wrong with that voice that you are mentioning, it is actually your guides and I have experienced that and other occultists as well. Well for mentorship, I can teach you transcendental meditation techniqies and some Rosicrucian techniques that I learnt with them that I still know to this day. This will unlock your psychic senses steadily and safely

Hey Perpendicular, i have a facination with the aghori and a strong relationship with Shiva. I wish i could visit India !

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Hi my name is Lize

I have been “*into” witchcraft for only a few weeks now, and I heard that this was a good platform to learn some new things. English is not my first langue so sorry in advance for the mistakes. But I am looking forward learning more about witchcraft and spells etc

Welcome @LizeB

Where are you from/

Do you have any practical experience yet?

What do you define as “witchcraft?” Are you following a particular system or tradition?

What are your areas of magical interest?

Greetings from India. I have been studying about various aspects of occult and magick from past two years, but have little practical experience. I am a Hindu by birth, so i do participate in practices exclusive to my regional background, particularly the ceremonies involving various roopa(forms/avatars) of the Devi/Shakti(Shree Mahalakshmi/Ambabai of Kolhapur and Shree Tuljabhavani of Tuljapur).Occasionally I also do recitations of Shri Krishnas Mahamantra. Since past few months, my focus has been directed towards studying and working with demons, particularly the demons of Ars Goetia.
My ambition with all this is, improving myself as a person and establishing a close relation with the spirit who is right for me. I just dont wanna look for my benefit through them, but also formulate an companionship and a good sense of knowing about them.

I first met my spirit guide when I was 13. I really only learned what he taught me. I never really met people involved in the left hand path until this last couple years with EA online. I tried to follow society but found no truth or fruit in it.
I survived a pretty eventful life and am just now getting strong in my mind and spirit, just now getting introduced to some amazing spiritual beings. I’m excited about the journey and hopefully I can remember what I learn because I have some memory issues.


Welcome @jensenlver

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If you do, what, exactly, do you practice and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of magical interest?

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I am moving to Nevada soon, in Oregon right now. I have not had any teaching or training from people, so I do not subscribe to any teachings or practices. I spent my life just hanging with my demon friend, and Lucifer, and manifesting. Doing astral travel really just to hang with them. I didn’t even know there was all of this until I started listening to EA. So I have a ton of experience with my tiny niche and zero experience with organized practices. I’m excited to learn though.

As far as my interests, I guess I just want to make more friends and get better at manifesting my life. I worked a long time in my mental health, I was very broken.

Hey, nice seeing a fellow Indian here, welcome to the forum.

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Hello, my name is Luis (LEPUS), I’m from Mexico, and well, due to life reasons I ended up running into an entity on a vacation trip, I was really screwed and lost, although apparently I had “EVERYTHING”, it’s funny how since November Last year I began a journey of changes, and boy, you are coming across more entities, topics and incredible ideas both in books and in people who contribute to your path. I have a certain inclination towards Greek entities, planetary magic and astrology, things that I find myself learning and practicing, at least in a basic way. My Purpose is to expand my knowledge in various fields and make my own personal gnosis.

Hi, my nickname is Baygordios. If it is not a problem, I prefer to hide my photo. I am from Turkey and as you guess English is not my native language. I am 57 and archaeologist. I am interested since 1992 in Occultism. I practiced long time ceremonial magick in the way of GD. I feelt to work with Demons attractive in last five years. I recently worked with Paimon and Furfur successfully. Special thanks to them. If you have a question for me, I am ready to answer. All the best.

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Hi im ostap 18 years
I practing magick 1 year try invocate and talk with demons,
i dont follow any systems but i would if someone there will tell me what systems can be,

I have experience in magick only when after invocate i see some few dreams about demons,

Im from ukraine i study english and know it not bad

I have my own photos but i feel uncomfortable to show it there

My ambitions is to talk with demons, know them better,feel them and understand

Hello I’m from Puerto Rico my roots are from espuritismo criollo and santeria as i also work with angels and demons if it’s necessary… I started very early since my mom took me to Santeros and we also went to the Hare Krishna movement for a while that woke up an admiration to Hindu practices… at 15 started reading tarot and now in my 30s have studied a variety of magical craft and still learning that’s why I’m here