January 22, 2024, 1:19pm
Hi everyone
I’m Naoxar and I’m here because it looks like a good place to ask my questions about practical magick (with or without calling spirits?) and the underlying metaphysics (reincarnation, planes of reality, veils?). I like that the forum is active and focussed purely on the occult. Especially the “no politics” rule is awesome .
How long have you been practicing?
I’ve started reading about magick around 2006. Practicing … I can’t give a clear date but probably soon after.
Do you follow any particular system or tradition?
My worldview is kind of a mixture of Thelema and Chaos. If I try to summarise, I’d say that Chaos (in the sense of greek cosmology) is the root of all phenomena. Following the Kybalion I tend to think that it creates everything (including us) mentally , so we are the thoughts of Chaos . Since Chaos encompasses everything – flowers, death, happiness and stones – there is no objective morality in the traditional sense . And the universe doesn’t quite look like it’s created by omnibenevolence, right? That’s why I like the concept of Chaos more than “God” – “God” always sounds like the abrahamic deity with his prescriptions . I view him (YHVH) as another deity on the same level as Zeus and Odin – not as the ultimate source of everything.
I view each human as embodiment of one aspect of Chaos – this is my interpretation of the True Will, of each person’s calling, purpose and (most importantly) fulfilment . More on that in a later topic.
Do you have any practical experience in magick?
Yes I’ve started with sigils like many in Chaos Magick, and then moved to a more direct approach of infusing an intent with magick, with energy. This empty handed style feels very good to me and is also how I think the angels and demons themselves do magick – I can’t quite imagine them drawing circles and lighting candles . For more permanent wishes (like always being healthy) I have servitors (in chaos magick tradition) which I keep empowering regularly.
Also, in 2015 I did evoked an egregore of magick known as the Red Queen. She unexpectedly introduced me to another spirit, who has been with me ever since. This spirit has guided me to the thelemic ideas of True Will and True Love, and later I realised that she perfectly fits descriptions of Guardian Angels, so this is how I see her now .
Another thing I do regularly is “magick for more magick”, in line with the intent of the Red Queen. You might have heard of her Linking Sigil, which is spread over the world for exactly this purpose – to turn reality into Wonderland .
I’m originally from Ukraine but have been living in Germany for more than 20 years now.
Photos if you’re comfortable
While I’m not exactly in the broom closet and wear obvious occult jewellery all day, I don’t quite feel comfortable uploading a photo to a public forum. Maybe this is a false inhibition… I’ll think about it.
Current ambitions/struggles
My long-term ambition is clear: Avoiding reincarnation, avoiding the loss of spirit contact , so that we can enjoy the fulfilment we feel when doing magick, forever . Whether this is best achieved by astral immortality, by staying wherever we go between incarnations or by something else… I’m trying to find out .
My short term struggle is with distraction – being consumed by fiction or video games instead of doing more magick .
Also, wow, this is some really good forum software ! Very powerful markdown capabilities .