Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

In some form or another I think I have been practising all my life. Magic, spirits, have always greatly fascinated me. If I had the easy access to it we have today I think I would have gone all in from about age 10. Felt separated from that side of me for several years while always wanting reclaim it throughout. Discovered that magic suddenly was easily available about two years ago. Kicking myself for not discovering it sooner. Have worked with demons, angels and gods and tried my hand at voodoo so far. Not everything resonates, but what works works.

Baneful magic is an interesting field. It’s been mostly baneful magick so far, because I have needed to rid my life of toxic people. Want to get better at healing magick and also at drawing positive things into my life. No point in the toxic people being replaced by other toxic people or sadness. Hopefully that will start to come naturally when removing toxic things, but feeling great joy in being able to explore something but crisis management at this point.

I have been practising sigil magic for less than a month so Im just starting out my journey.

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I am from UK

I wouldn’t say I have been practicing but nearly a year doing rituals here and there

I am following like what black magickians on youtube say

My areas of interests are demon magick

You do realize this is an online forum whose members are all exactly like you and are trying to learn and figure things out right?

We have one thread for requests for free work, but you keep declining to introduce yourself so there isn’t going to be many people willing to work on someone who can’t give us an idea of what we might be getting into and most of us have enough negative in our lives without picking up someone else’s.

You should be careful who you even accept services from as you might also pick up bad stuff from them unawares.

Begging is not really becoming, our members work and have real lives all over the globe and if someone feels compelled to help, it will be on their own schedule as you are asking for free services.

Free delivery usually arrives when it arrives and not on demand. Expedited services usually cost an extreme premium.

That’s not the best analogy, but point is demanding things to happen right this second isn’t going to work.

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What, exactly, have you been practicing?

Are you following a specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of interest?

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Im Dan. People call me BrujoDan

QRD: Im 41, been at this for a while-been practicing santerismo, “brujeria”, grimore and grimoire texts. I “make” grimoires, hang around Santeros. By culture, blood and ancestral im connected to Santisima. My mentor, master and patron is St. Cyprian of Antioch. Big respect to Hekate study and practices. Iam in possession of 3 active altars that I work with.

Most of my ambitions to have a comfortable life have been fullfilled-I guess i seek more power thru knowledge.

And struggles-i dunno, most of those are behind me. Im sure more will come

Welcome @Brujo91w

Where are you from?

Roughly how long have you been practicing?

Do you have any experience in systems or traditions outside of these?

What are your areas of interest?

What brings you to BALG?

From Cali. Live in Texas. Close to Mexico.

In practice, with Cyprian-few years. With Sanstisma-maybe 10 years. With Santerismos, since I was a teen. Im comfortable with ANYTHING within Abrahamic canon (LHP & RHP)-i tread carefully with things outside of those, but I do tread.

I found this place-came across the name Conner Kendall. Watch a few of the interviews. Kid knows what he’s talking about. I wish people like this came into the botanicas i frequent and help do work for.

Hi everyone! I’m Gibiana. I’ll share a pic with you some other cuz I don’t have any at the moment.
I’m from LATAM, I’ve been practicing magick for a while now, doing a bit of this and a bit of that.
I started in paganism, and I’ve tried other variants but I can’t stick to one thing only. I’m more of an explorer.

I feel like I’m living my 5th life and I kind of remember two of them. One I believe was the first where I was a man. In any case, I got the feeling that in all my past-lives I’ve practiced magick in different forms so here I am combining old memories.

I used to have an old account but I lost that mail, so I introduce myself once again to you.

Hope to be insightful and a very active member!

Welcome @Gibiana

Roughly how long have you been practicing?

So what, exactly, do you currently practice?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

I’ve been on and off for about 15 years now. In the late years I started a path with daemons, though I paused it because of a relationship that I had with a Catholic man who though he supported me, we created a space of mutual respect for our believes and mainly did some hoodoo work when needed during the duration of that relationship. During those years I kept my altars, but I’ve always had an eclectic approach towards magick. Late in my life I’ve come to realize that the point of view of “magick isnt something you study but rather it’s within you” can be detrimental towards oneself when sh hits the fan and specially now that my targets are not week minded young adults as they used to be, but now I deal with tougher situation and people with stronger minds. Also being on and off about it only weakens us… That’s my truth.

I started with chaos magick, but some people influenced me towards wiccanism which for me was a no go. As I mentioned, I love riding all paths that resonate with me at any point of my life.

In this moment it’s my desire to go back to chaoism to regain some of the lost strength. I’ve been committed about it and well as dedicated to studying more.


i’m zed, i have been creating my own ways for the last 15 years after being forced into the spiritual realms. Only now looking at what others are doing and have started reading various texts.

my ways differ some however. i do not invoke entities but rather align with the aspects of consciousness/existence within and without to achieve goals through will.

having read thru some of this site was surprised to come across some similar means to my self developed ones
the servitors mentioned here i call constructs but i create and power them differently.

i am all things and none are good or evil, there is subjective benefit and harm and known and unknown motivations and natures.

one over one

Welcome @bzed

Where are you from?

Do you have any experience in specific systems or traditions?

What are your areas of interest?

thank you @DarkestKnight

i’m from melbourne, australia.

i’ve only just started looking into established systems. i was tempted to do so when this all began but i wished to forge my own path and solutions.

now that i’ve done so i’m looking into what others are doing/have done.

areas of interest are broad,. It may seem non magick related but my path has been first the utter descent into and conquest of self to unfetter the application of will and flow of energy and consciousness.

whereabouts are you from and what is your area of interest?

My name is Precious… A practicing magician from West Africa… Originally into voodoo but I am looking for ways to incorporate evocation into my work

Welcome @Cinnia_Entertainment

How long have you been practicing?

Do you have any experience in systems or traditions outside of Voodoo?

What are your areas of interest?

Your magick name? dont have one

• Photos if you’re comfortable

• Kinds of magick you like? Anything that works
• Current ambitions? To be financially prefect
•Current struggles? Spells dont manifest

Pray for health the opposite happens then I get worse.

Painkillers dont work

@DarkestKnight i noticed you censored some links i shared

any reason?