Intro + Question re: Contact With Multiple Deities Simultaneously

Hello all, I am terribly new to everything magick. I grew up in a Christian home but always felt out of place. Growing up with books about Arthur and Merlin, I had a fascination with scrying, though I have had no success in the practice yet. I have begun exploring different worldviews as of late, being I am on my own in university, and have experienced an odd set of phenomena. I dream rather frequently, but I have become aware when a spiritual force is trying to get my attention. After reaching out into the nebula of spirituality, I have had several dreams where I met multiple deities. The deities who appear most frequently are Odin, Zeus, Jupiter, Hera, and occasionally Jesus. One dream actually showed each of them. Personally, I am at a loss for an explanation or interpretation. If anyone here could help me shed some light on this situation, I would very much appreciate it.


Do you keep a dream journal? I heard it helps.


I do. It varies between a paper one and notes on my phone. I have gotten to a point where I can almost always remember my dreams when they appear important and livid.

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Welcome to the forum.

I altered your title slightly so other will know you have fulfilled the requirements for an introduction :slight_smile:

Thank you!

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