Intro + need help

What can I do to prepare a money ritual, preferrably candle magick, but really need guidance from more experienced magicians. I’ve never performed any ritual before. With my background, going it alone is too overwhelming and I do not want to screw up
I watch E.A.'s video’s and there are some parallels between us, esp with our early lives…more on that with a consultation.

If someone would be willing to help manifest the things I need to begin and get underway in my ascent… from the beginning. Its growth and accomplishment I seek in my chosen profession. Its only been nearly 2 decades since I was in the business of aviation. Specifically, I’m a pilot, and wish, earnestly to use that learned skill and education set (which I study like an obsessed and diligent college student on the fast track to graduate early with honors magna sum laude!

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I really look forward to speaking with other’s who are in my situation AND from experienced magicians who can help me. E.A. Koetting’s videos, especially on early life, time in the military and what we can become excites and, with some healthy “fear” of the unknown predicated on my own upbringing on/in the “right hand” path.

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Can you introduce yourself first please :blush:

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Pm bune

Welcome @Roland.

It is a rule of this forum that all new members must post an introduction. You have stated that you are a magical beginner and some biographical information so I edited your title and this can stand as your intro.

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You didn’t see my intro?

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My fault,sorry