Intro because I’m new here

Hello everyone, I’ve been a practitioner of magick 40 years.and a bestselling author on the topic but I’m not here to plug books I’m here to engage with like minded people. :grin:


Please properly introduce yourself. Tell us about you and any experience you may have. This post tells us nothing and does not meet our intro requirement.

Where are you from?

What, exactly, do you practice?

Do you have experience in any specific system or traditions?

PS: I have moved your post to the correct section for introductions.


Trying to edit my post but I’m getting a error message

That is because you are past the editing window. As a newcomer, you only have a fifteen minute window to edit a post. Just add on the requested information in a reply.


Hello everyone, I’ve been a practitioner of magick 40 years.and a bestselling author on the topic but I’m not here to plug books I’m here to engage with like minded people. :grin:
I practice all forms of magick, South African born and raised, moved to the US my mother practitioner of voodoo and and grandfather of Norse magick I began my journey into the arts of magick at a young in my shamanic stage of life my family being originally from Sweden migrated to South Africa in the late 1800s my grandfather always keeping the Norse ways of his father and so on. Back then you couldn’t be so open about your beliefs when I was learning, we always had secret meetings… but in the past few decades times change and it is good to see a place where you can be yourself


Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and again, welcome to the BALG forum.


Thank you for your help :+1:

Hello, welcome :smiley:

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Welcome to the forum :metal:

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Welcome to balg my friend.

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Welcome to BALG. :pray:

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