Interesting Info from Archangel Raziel... I think!

Hi guys,

I’m really excited to share this with you, as I believe I have had my first ever(!) success using E.A’s sigil opening technique. Advance warning though: massively loooong post ahead!

Right, firstly I feel I need to explain myself and give you all a bit of history regarding my situation with spirits. Well, basically, my experiences with spiritual entities over the years has been rather limited. I guess this is partly due to the fact that I never really felt an urgent need to call on a spirit for help regarding my life circumstances etc, because during the past decade or so, I have become really good at manifesting things in my life either by simply using visualization and the LoA, or my own spells and rituals. At times it is enough for me just to think of what I want- and this will manifest in my life. I’m not saying this to brag, I am just trying to truthfully explain my situation.

The main reason for my hesitation to call upon spirits, however, was related to my mental health issues. For as long as I can remember, I have suffered from a number of different issues- depression, anxiety, OCD and paranoia. Now, my reasoning behind avoiding evocation etc, was that I was scared that rather than having a positive effect on my life, the whole experience might exacerbate my paranoia and anxiety. I told myself that I would start performing evocations once I had sorted my head out, and got my issues under control, because tbh, even though I didn’t feel an urgent need to summon spirits to help me in my personal life, it’s something I really really wanted to do. Over the years I have read up on the subject, studied different entities etc. Like most others on this forum, the class of spirit that has most interested me is the demonic- I have always had immense respect for these beings, and it always frustrated me that I couldn’t make contact with them due to my illness.

Now if any of you have read any of my previous posts where I reported success with spirits, you may be wondering what is going on. So, the explanation is that, even though I’ve been afraid to contact spirits in the normal way, via evocation, I didn’t have the same reservations about contacting them psychically, using my own methods (and by my own- I mean just whatever feels right to me at the time, based on info that I’d learned and then using my intuition to guide me). So what’s the difference you may ask? Well, tbh, I don’t even really know myself- I admit that it’s not really logical. I guess it just somehow feels ‘safer’ (safer as in for my paranoia) using my own methods. This is the thing with OCD and anxiety- some things just ‘feel’ better than others, even if there is no logic to it. So, anyway, for the past few months I have been trying to psychically make contact with two entities, whom I have felt drawn to for quite a few years now: King Belial and the Goddess Isis. Anyway, I won’t go into too much detail about this now, as obviously this post is about the Archangel Raziel, but so far, even though I cannot yet hear or see those two entities, I do feel that I have made some sort of contact with them. Isis has come through for me on a number of occasions- I posted about one particular occasion on this forum in fact, and I sense Belial’s influence in my life.

Anyway, I feel like I’m babbling on and on, but I really wanted to start this post with that little introduction- I really felt I just needed to get that out there, sort of to summarize ‘where I’m at’ re spirit work. So, the time has finally come for me to take all this to the next level- to start working towards full on evocations. I’m at a point now where things are going well for me, and I’ve sort of got my issues under control- not 100%, but more so than previously. Also, I currently have loads of free time on my hands, so I really have the time and energy to put into my studies and practice. I decided that I would start by opening sigils (an obvious place to start I guess), and then work up to evocation. I’ll admit that I have, on one occasion, tried to open a spirit sigil before. It started to ‘flash’ and I gave the request to the spirit, but it did not materialize. In hindsight I reckon it was because I approached the wrong entity for the specific task.

Anyway… The ‘thing’ that I’m currently into is trying to gain more insight into the nature of the different realities, the nature of the different planes of existence, and especially how it relates to art (this is of particular interest to me, being a musician). I know it all sounds a bit vague but that’s the best way I can describe it. A few weeks ago Arcane wrote a piece on the Archangel Raziel for the Monday Post. As I was reading about the characteristics of this angel- Raziel is an angel of wisdom, the ruler of Chokmah, ’ and the ‘Keeper of Secrets’- I just knew that this was an entity I needed to work with. I struggled to find the correct sigil for Raziel, but Arcane kindly informed me that his sigil is in Evoking Eternity, which coincidentally I was planning on buying that week anyway- what luck!

So, a few days ago I opened his sigil. At this point it would probably be a good idea to add a little disclaimer: I concede that it is entirely possible that I in fact failed at my attempt to contact this angel, that possibly, the information I received was in fact not from Raziel, just random nonsense from my subconscious. I would absolutely hate to offend this Archangel by wrongly attributing info to him (when it’s possible that it’s just some bullshit my crazy mind made up) -so this is why I’ve added this ‘disclaimer’. Also, a lot of the info that I received was related to astronomy etc, which I admit I had recently been viewing a lot of vids on- so of course my rational mind is saying ‘of course you would ‘receive’ info regarding gravity, dark energy etc- you watched a documentary about that just last week’. But then I’ve got the other, hopeful part of my mind going ‘OR, maybe this is how the Raziel chose to share these insights with you, in these particular terms, because you’ve recently been researching this’. Anyway, I am going to chose to believe that I did in fact make contact with him, and I’d like to share what he ‘told’ me.

Right, so I was gazing at the sigil, and eventually it started to flash. I told Raziel what I was seeking knowledge about. Since I cannot hear or see spirits yet, I thought it might be a good idea to try the method that I’ve used when ‘communicating’ with Goddess Isis, which is: sometimes when I am giving her an incense offering, I start meditating and mentally ask her a question, suddenly ideas just start flooding into my mind, and I intuitively understand whatever concept she is trying to get across to me- I’ll then get out my journal and the words will just sort of pour out of me unto the page.

So after opening Raziel’s sigil, I had my journal out, pen in hand, but for a while nothing happened. But then, a few moments later, information/ideas/concepts just starting flooding into my mind. Below is a summary of my understanding of what Raziel was trying to convey to me:

Basically, I believe that since I had asked Raziel for knowledge on the nature of reality, and specifically the so-called ‘higher’ planes of existence, he was starting out by providing me with a better understanding of the forces that have shaped, and continue shaping, the physical plane. So here goes (this is my current understanding of it anyway):

There exists, in this universe, two prominent forces or laws- one is a force of attraction, and the other, it’s opposite- that of repulsion or expansion. It is a primordial duality. The ‘attractive law’ manifests in various different ways. One expression of the ‘attractive’ law- is the force known as gravity- that scientifically recognized force which we are all obviously aware of. Another expression of it, is what is known in occult/ New Age circles as the ‘Law of Attraction’ - as in, the phenomena of attracting into your reality whatever your thoughts give the most energy to (which is obviously, at this point not recognized by the scientific community). Personally I have been into the LoA for so long, but it has never before occurred to me that it may be related to ‘gravity’. It was made clear to me though that we should not think about gravity as a physical phenomena in the sense that it is somehow a consequence of matter or the physical universe, but rather that it is a force that is responsible for the formation of matter in the first place. When I subsequently looked this up on wikipedia the info I found seemed to corroborate this: ‘Gravity or gravitation is a natural phenomenon by which all things attract one another including stars, planets, galaxies and even light and sub-atomic particles. Gravity is responsible for the formation of the universe (e.g. creating spheres of hydrogen, igniting them under pressure to form stars and grouping them in to galaxies). Gravity is a cause of time dilation (time lapses more slowly in strong gravitation). Without gravity, the universe would be without thermal energy and composed only of equally spaced particles.’

This ‘attractive law’ is also the underlying reason why, for example, cities form, crowds gather, people gather ‘likes’ on facebook, people become famous etc. Of course there may be more immediately obvious practical or psychological reasons for the these phenomena- cities expand due to there being more work there etc- but the way I understand it is that the attractive law is the root cause of it all. Why do animals (human beings included) form communities in the first place? Why the urge for companionship? From a scientific point of view It’s to ensure the survival of the species, but take a step back and ask ‘why do living creatures have the urge to reproduce in the first place? Why is the urge always toward life, to existence, rather than it’s opposite death?’

Anyway, moving on to more info that I received re the attractive force: When matter forms as a result of this ‘attraction’- it becomes less pure. Not pure in a moral sense, but pure as in less ‘of it’s essence’. Take a water molecule for example: two hydrogen atoms bonded to an oxygen atom- that water molecule consists of hydrogen AND oxygen and in that way is less ‘pure’ (I really hope this makes sense lol). I asked Raziel if this was the reason why most people in this world are so sheep like, why people find it difficult to think for themselves. This was the exact response that I wrote down in my journal: ‘Most people do not have pure thoughts- they “pull in” fragments of other opinions’. Again I was reminded that the word purity is being used in this case without any moral connotations.

We, as human beings, are also exuding this ‘attractive’ force. In the same way that a planet, for example, pulls into its orbit pieces of cosmic debris, so too do we pull in fragments of emotions. This would explain why, for example, after spending time with very negative people, we start feeling this way ourselves.

Now regarding the opposite force- the force of repulsion- one of the ways in which it manifests is in so called ‘Dark Energy’. This is the definition google supplies for Dark Energy: ‘a theoretical form of energy postulated to act in opposition to gravity and to occupy the entire universe, accounting for most of the energy in it and causing its expansion to accelerate.’

I didn’t receive a whole lot more of info regarding this force of repulsion except that we as humans are in essence a combination of both this and the attractive force. This would explain why, for example, just as much as we need companionship we also crave it’s opposite, solitude, ‘alone time’, peace and quiet away from the crowds.

Well, this is what I’ve got so far. I had got the impression that next time we talk, we would move on to the other planes, starting with the astral. So, I’d love to know: what do you guys make of all this? Have I officially gone loony lol, or is there something in all this? Would love to hear any thoughts :slight_smile:

Oh, I also wanted to add that the ‘vibe’ I got (a sort of psychic impression- as I’ve mentioned before I cannot yet see spirits) from this Archangel was that of an entity that loves knowlegde, and loves to pass it on. Sort of like an enthusiastic college professor that simply loves to share their knowledge with their students. Also, I got a very non-judgemental vibe from Raziel, which I really liked. Oh and also probably should add that I did ask if I could share this info, and got the impression that it was absolutely OK and even encouraged.


This is AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing, very thought-provoking stuff. :slight_smile:


No worries :slight_smile: Yeah it’s fascinating stuff, it’s given me loooads to think about! I’m glad it doesn’t sound too crazy lol


Congrats on finally trying the traditional way of evocation. And I understand the OCD thing completely. I have OCPD which can be a pain in the butt sometimes so I know what you mean by doing something differently just because it “feels right”.

Cheers! :slight_smile: Agreed, mental health issues are a goddam pain in the ass!!

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Hey there!


I can’t believe I,my experiences,and an angelic friend of mine,helped you this much.

For starters,the information you got is fascinating.I’ve worked with Raziel on some other stuff,and I can tell you that Raziel not only has a lot of interesting stuff to say,he also teaches you ‘‘the tongue of angels’’ the power to manifest thoughts and impressions without words.

I’ve already used the skill as a kid,so it was mostly restoring an old talent after years of atrophy.But it was interesting.

Arcane - yeah I’m so glad you wrote that piece on Raziel for the Monday Post. I was looking for an entity that I could start working with through sigil magick and when I read that I was like ‘yep- Raziel’s the one’. So thanks for that! :slight_smile: And then when you told me about his sigil being in EE, and I had been planning to buy that book that week anyway!

Oh yeah it’s really interesting stuff! I was writing so much that at one point I thought ‘wow- I’m gonna have to buy a new journal after this! lol’

OHHH YEAHH! That’s what I wanted to hear! This put a lot of thoughts I’ve been having about atoms, and the infinite energy of the universe lately, into perspective which is AWESOME. Great post. :smiley:

Cheers mate :slight_smile: glad it helped!

Hi guys,

A few weeks ago I had another sigil-opening session with Raziel. It was a bit overdue as I had been dealing with some shitty mundane issues, which were taking up most of my energy. Anyway, I opened Raziel’s sigil but this time I didn’t get the normal sort of influx of information - but I did write down a few sentences in my journal. At the time it didn’t make much sense to me, but after I had bid farewell to Raziel I meditated on the info received and that’s when everything just clicked. I wanted to share this with you as it’s very interesting imo, and also very useful information. Just to add a little disclaimer again: I’m still not 100% certain that I am indeed making contact with this archangel, due to my relative inexperience with communicating with spirits in this way, so it’s very possible that this is all just info from my subconscious/unconscious or whatever, but I’m just going to go ahead and share this anyway, as I really think this might be helpful. I guess I must sound quite paranoid adding these ‘disclaimers’ in every post- but yeah, I’m really wary of offending such a great entity.

Right, well now that’s been said, to summarize, the theme of our last session was pretty much a continuation on the whole issue of gravity (the attractive force) which I wrote about above, but this time focusing more on the LoA and the mechanics of this.

Basically, the way I understand it, is that this force of attraction, which is obviously very active in this universe, also exists in some of the higher realms of existence, and between the different realms. The lower realm (the densest in vibration) exerts this force of attraction, the gravitational force, on the realm just ‘above’ it. So obviously in the case of the physical plane, it exerts this force on the astral plane. The astral plane, in turn, exerts it on the plane above it.

This is the explanation behind the LoA. The physical plane is literally pulling thoughtforms down from the astral, to manifest in this reality. And, just as in the physical universe, the denser something is, the stronger the gravitational pull on it. The more energy we give a thoughtform, the stronger the ‘pull’, and the more likely it is to manifest.

Another concept that I wanted to share, is something I’m going to call the ‘event horizon’ of a thoughtform. For anyone who isn’t an science geek- here’s the definition Wikipedia supplies for event horizon: ‘In general relativity, an event horizon is a boundary in spacetime beyond which events cannot affect an outside observer. In layman’s terms, it is defined as “the point of no return”, i.e., the point at which the gravitational pull becomes so great as to make escape impossible. An event horizon is most commonly associated with black holes. Light emitted from inside the event horizon can never reach the outside observer.’ (I just wanted to add, that this concept and how it applies to the law of Attraction, seems quite familiar to me, it could even be something I’ve read on this forum, so apologies if I’ve inadvertently ‘stolen’ anyone’s theory! All I know is that this concept occurred to me as I was meditating on the info Raziel had given me.)

So anyway, in terms of the LoA, the event horizon of a thoughtform would be the point at which that thoughtform reaches it’s ‘point of no return’- the point at which it can no longer escape the pull of gravity that our plane is exerting on it. I would relate this point to that feeling of absolute certainty you get, that point where you simply know that something is going to manifest.For example, it’s that sinking feeling you get when you wake up in a terrible mood and you just know that that particular day is going to be shitty, or the feeling you get once you’ve done a ritual or visualized a specific outcome, and you just know that you are going to manifest it.

Then the last concept that I wanted to share with you, and personally I believe that this is of extreme importance, is that of ‘allowing’ a thoughtform to manifest. Now, ever since I became aware of the LoA (around 10 years ago or so) I notcied that most of the thoughts that I have when I’m being really OCD or anxious about something, very, very rarely manifest. Now, at first glance, this would seem to contradict the theory of feeding thoughtforms by giving them energy (by focussing on them), as I’m sure anyone who suffers from paranoia or anxiety would know- you spend a hell of a lot of time thinking about these ‘paranoid thoughts’. But what I’ve come to realise over the years is that deep down, I know that whatever ridiculous (and sometimes not quite so ridiculous) thing I’m obsessing about isn’t really going to happen. The way I’m currently thinking about it, is that this ‘allowing’ is a sort of gate that a thoughtform needs to pass through in order to manifest in our reality. This would explain why, when deep down, beneath all the paranoia and obsessing and unnecessary stress, you know that something which you are worrying about isn’t really going to occur- it doesn’t matter how much you ‘feed’ the thoughtform- because the gate is closed, you are not allowing it to manifest in your reality. I hope this makes some sort of sense…

Well that’s it for now,would be interested to hear any thoughts on this etc…

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Dark Energy = the first stirrings of light. It is also the ultra low frequency that runs all your bodies automated processes. It is essentially light, but its frequency is so low we have a hard time recognizing it. This is where Light and Dark Merge.

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Yes! Had that with some things where I’ve been told they’re GOING to happen, it’s like there’s no possible stream of events now that don’t result in that one specific outcome.

A post that’s just the equivalent of me nodding and saying “Yup, I’ve seen that from a slightly different angle, but definitely the same thing” might not be much practical use, but I guess that’s what this one is? :o)

[quote=“Akasha, post:1, topic:6055”]Hi guys,

I’m really excited to share this with you, as I believe I have had my first ever(!) success using E.A’s sigil opening technique. Advance warning though: massively loooong post ahead!

Right, firstly I feel I need to explain myself and give you all a bit of history regarding my situation with spirits. Well, basically, my experiences with spiritual entities over the years has been rather limited. I guess this is partly due to the fact that I never really felt an urgent need to call on a spirit for help regarding my life circumstances etc, because during the past decade or so, I have become really good at manifesting things in my life either by simply using visualization and the LoA, or my own spells and rituals. At times it is enough for me just to think of what I want- and this will manifest in my life. I’m not saying this to brag, I am just trying to truthfully explain my situation.

The main reason for my hesitation to call upon spirits, however, was related to my mental health issues. For as long as I can remember, I have suffered from a number of different issues- depression, anxiety, OCD and paranoia. Now, my reasoning behind avoiding evocation etc, was that I was scared that rather than having a positive effect on my life, the whole experience might exacerbate my paranoia and anxiety. I told myself that I would start performing evocations once I had sorted my head out, and got my issues under control, because tbh, even though I didn’t feel an urgent need to summon spirits to help me in my personal life, it’s something I really really wanted to do. Over the years I have read up on the subject, studied different entities etc. Like most others on this forum, the class of spirit that has most interested me is the demonic- I have always had immense respect for these beings, and it always frustrated me that I couldn’t make contact with them due to my illness.

Now if any of you have read any of my previous posts where I reported success with spirits, you may be wondering what is going on. So, the explanation is that, even though I’ve been afraid to contact spirits in the normal way, via evocation, I didn’t have the same reservations about contacting them psychically, using my own methods (and by my own- I mean just whatever feels right to me at the time, based on info that I’d learned and then using my intuition to guide me). So what’s the difference you may ask? Well, tbh, I don’t even really know myself- I admit that it’s not really logical. I guess it just somehow feels ‘safer’ (safer as in for my paranoia) using my own methods. This is the thing with OCD and anxiety- some things just ‘feel’ better than others, even if there is no logic to it. So, anyway, for the past few months I have been trying to psychically make contact with two entities, whom I have felt drawn to for quite a few years now: King Belial and the Goddess Isis. Anyway, I won’t go into too much detail about this now, as obviously this post is about the Archangel Raziel, but so far, even though I cannot yet hear or see those two entities, I do feel that I have made some sort of contact with them. Isis has come through for me on a number of occasions- I posted about one particular occasion on this forum in fact, and I sense Belial’s influence in my life.

Anyway, I feel like I’m babbling on and on, but I really wanted to start this post with that little introduction- I really felt I just needed to get that out there, sort of to summarize ‘where I’m at’ re spirit work. So, the time has finally come for me to take all this to the next level- to start working towards full on evocations. I’m at a point now where things are going well for me, and I’ve sort of got my issues under control- not 100%, but more so than previously. Also, I currently have loads of free time on my hands, so I really have the time and energy to put into my studies and practice. I decided that I would start by opening sigils (an obvious place to start I guess), and then work up to evocation. I’ll admit that I have, on one occasion, tried to open a spirit sigil before. It started to ‘flash’ and I gave the request to the spirit, but it did not materialize. In hindsight I reckon it was because I approached the wrong entity for the specific task.

Anyway… The ‘thing’ that I’m currently into is trying to gain more insight into the nature of the different realities, the nature of the different planes of existence, and especially how it relates to art (this is of particular interest to me, being a musician). I know it all sounds a bit vague but that’s the best way I can describe it. A few weeks ago Arcane wrote a piece on the Archangel Raziel for the Monday Post. As I was reading about the characteristics of this angel- Raziel is an angel of wisdom, the ruler of Chokmah, ’ and the ‘Keeper of Secrets’- I just knew that this was an entity I needed to work with. I struggled to find the correct sigil for Raziel, but Arcane kindly informed me that his sigil is in Evoking Eternity, which coincidentally I was planning on buying that week anyway- what luck!

So, a few days ago I opened his sigil. At this point it would probably be a good idea to add a little disclaimer: I concede that it is entirely possible that I in fact failed at my attempt to contact this angel, that possibly, the information I received was in fact not from Raziel, just random nonsense from my subconscious. I would absolutely hate to offend this Archangel by wrongly attributing info to him (when it’s possible that it’s just some bullshit my crazy mind made up) -so this is why I’ve added this ‘disclaimer’. Also, a lot of the info that I received was related to astronomy etc, which I admit I had recently been viewing a lot of vids on- so of course my rational mind is saying ‘of course you would ‘receive’ info regarding gravity, dark energy etc- you watched a documentary about that just last week’. But then I’ve got the other, hopeful part of my mind going ‘OR, maybe this is how the Raziel chose to share these insights with you, in these particular terms, because you’ve recently been researching this’. Anyway, I am going to chose to believe that I did in fact make contact with him, and I’d like to share what he ‘told’ me.

Right, so I was gazing at the sigil, and eventually it started to flash. I told Raziel what I was seeking knowledge about. Since I cannot hear or see spirits yet, I thought it might be a good idea to try the method that I’ve used when ‘communicating’ with Goddess Isis, which is: sometimes when I am giving her an incense offering, I start meditating and mentally ask her a question, suddenly ideas just start flooding into my mind, and I intuitively understand whatever concept she is trying to get across to me- I’ll then get out my journal and the words will just sort of pour out of me unto the page.

So after opening Raziel’s sigil, I had my journal out, pen in hand, but for a while nothing happened. But then, a few moments later, information/ideas/concepts just starting flooding into my mind. Below is a summary of my understanding of what Raziel was trying to convey to me:

Basically, I believe that since I had asked Raziel for knowledge on the nature of reality, and specifically the so-called ‘higher’ planes of existence, he was starting out by providing me with a better understanding of the forces that have shaped, and continue shaping, the physical plane. So here goes (this is my current understanding of it anyway):

There exists, in this universe, two prominent forces or laws- one is a force of attraction, and the other, it’s opposite- that of repulsion or expansion. It is a primordial duality. The ‘attractive law’ manifests in various different ways. One expression of the ‘attractive’ law- is the force known as gravity- that scientifically recognized force which we are all obviously aware of. Another expression of it, is what is known in occult/ New Age circles as the ‘Law of Attraction’ - as in, the phenomena of attracting into your reality whatever your thoughts give the most energy to (which is obviously, at this point not recognized by the scientific community). Personally I have been into the LoA for so long, but it has never before occurred to me that it may be related to ‘gravity’. It was made clear to me though that we should not think about gravity as a physical phenomena in the sense that it is somehow a consequence of matter or the physical universe, but rather that it is a force that is responsible for the formation of matter in the first place. When I subsequently looked this up on wikipedia the info I found seemed to corroborate this: ‘Gravity or gravitation is a natural phenomenon by which all things attract one another including stars, planets, galaxies and even light and sub-atomic particles. Gravity is responsible for the formation of the universe (e.g. creating spheres of hydrogen, igniting them under pressure to form stars and grouping them in to galaxies). Gravity is a cause of time dilation (time lapses more slowly in strong gravitation). Without gravity, the universe would be without thermal energy and composed only of equally spaced particles.’

This ‘attractive law’ is also the underlying reason why, for example, cities form, crowds gather, people gather ‘likes’ on facebook, people become famous etc. Of course there may be more immediately obvious practical or psychological reasons for the these phenomena- cities expand due to there being more work there etc- but the way I understand it is that the attractive law is the root cause of it all. Why do animals (human beings included) form communities in the first place? Why the urge for companionship? From a scientific point of view It’s to ensure the survival of the species, but take a step back and ask ‘why do living creatures have the urge to reproduce in the first place? Why is the urge always toward life, to existence, rather than it’s opposite death?’

Anyway, moving on to more info that I received re the attractive force: When matter forms as a result of this ‘attraction’- it becomes less pure. Not pure in a moral sense, but pure as in less ‘of it’s essence’. Take a water molecule for example: two hydrogen atoms bonded to an oxygen atom- that water molecule consists of hydrogen AND oxygen and in that way is less ‘pure’ (I really hope this makes sense lol). I asked Raziel if this was the reason why most people in this world are so sheep like, why people find it difficult to think for themselves. This was the exact response that I wrote down in my journal: ‘Most people do not have pure thoughts- they “pull in” fragments of other opinions’. Again I was reminded that the word purity is being used in this case without any moral connotations.

We, as human beings, are also exuding this ‘attractive’ force. In the same way that a planet, for example, pulls into its orbit pieces of cosmic debris, so too do we pull in fragments of emotions. This would explain why, for example, after spending time with very negative people, we start feeling this way ourselves.

Now regarding the opposite force- the force of repulsion- one of the ways in which it manifests is in so called ‘Dark Energy’. This is the definition google supplies for Dark Energy: ‘a theoretical form of energy postulated to act in opposition to gravity and to occupy the entire universe, accounting for most of the energy in it and causing its expansion to accelerate.’

I didn’t receive a whole lot more of info regarding this force of repulsion except that we as humans are in essence a combination of both this and the attractive force. This would explain why, for example, just as much as we need companionship we also crave it’s opposite, solitude, ‘alone time’, peace and quiet away from the crowds.

Well, this is what I’ve got so far. I had got the impression that next time we talk, we would move on to the other planes, starting with the astral. So, I’d love to know: what do you guys make of all this? Have I officially gone loony lol, or is there something in all this? Would love to hear any thoughts :slight_smile:

Oh, I also wanted to add that the ‘vibe’ I got (a sort of psychic impression- as I’ve mentioned before I cannot yet see spirits) from this Archangel was that of an entity that loves knowlegde, and loves to pass it on. Sort of like an enthusiastic college professor that simply loves to share their knowledge with their students. Also, I got a very non-judgemental vibe from Raziel, which I really liked. Oh and also probably should add that I did ask if I could share this info, and got the impression that it was absolutely OK and even encouraged.[/quote]

Can I get a summary of this?

A bit hard to summarize, hence the incredibly long post lol. I guess the paragraph below kinda sums it up though:

So I meant to update this a while back, but I got lazy…

My last session with Raziel was slightly different- instead of opening his sigil, I stuck it under my pillow, with the intention of taking a nap and hopefully receiving some info in the form of a dream. However I struggled to sleep, but fell into a light meditation and received some great info anyway.

I now have a better understanding of the mental plane. Being a realm of ‘pure thought’, it is a plane of potential. This is the plane where thoughts originate,. These ideas are then drawn down to the astral via the LoA, and then finally, via the same mechanism, become manifested reality in the physical. The physical then, is the plane of ‘Manifested Desires’ (the astral being the intermediate- the realm of thoughtforms).

During my sessions with Raziel, it has become more and more apparent to me that the way to truly gain mastery over our lives and what we want to manifest, is to be constantly aware of the LoA, to be mindful that just like the physical manifestation of the attractive force- gravity- the LoA is always operating. I know it sounds obvious, and I guess it’s something we all know in a theoretical sense, but when it’s so easy to forget when things start going wrong in life. I’m at a point now where I’m continually evaluating what exactly it is I’m thinking, feeling, attracting into my life at any particular moment in time.

I’ve got two visualization exercises (that came to me during this session) that I wanted to share with you- as it has been helpful in my daily life and hopefully someone else might find it useful.

First one (‘Grape Picking’ Visualization):

The appropriate time to do this is in those instances when, during your day to day life, you are faced with a situation that could possibly go wrong, or alternatively could play out exactly as you wish. Literally do this the second that pesky ‘what if this happens’ (the negative scenario) thought pops into your head. As soon as that thought occurs- remind yourself that you have a choice, become aware, that very instant, that the LoA is in operation and you can chose which scenario you want to manifest. Once you are mindful that the LoA is in operation- imagine a grapevine in front of you (just above your head, within arm’s reach). In your minds eye see the grapes on the grapevine- and view each grape as a possible scenario, that could potentially manifest. Now visualize yourself reaching up and picking the particular grape that you want to manifest ie the scenario that you wish to occur. Re-affirm it in your mind my commanding it to manifest.

‘Red Balloon’ Exercise:

This is one to do daily. The best time to do it is before you go to sleep. Think of some things that you want in life- it could be anything (happiness, money, love –whatever). Now imagine the first thing (the desire) as a thoughtform, in the shape of a red balloon. Reach up and pull this towards you. Now breathe in, and as you exhale imagine your breath is inflating the balloon. Repeat this two or three times and once the it is fully inflated- say something along the lines of ‘happiness’ - Become! Manifest! And imagine releasing the balloon (the thoughtform) back into the astral plane. Repeat the procedure with the other desires.

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Very interesting:)

A couple of points… Just to expand the topic a little and provide a different viewpoint,

First, check this link and scroll down about 2/3 to “Sepher Raziel” (and no i’m not affiliated, but Dr. Skinner did allow me to use some of his writings in my book:) [url=][/url]

Second, gravity is believed to be the result of the Higgs Boson. It could prove relevant?

Thirs, in your OP, you ask: “why do living creatures have the urge to reproduce in the first place? Why is the urge always toward life, to existence, rather than it’s opposite death?”

Not so, in my case! I had a vasectomy when I was twenty-one and thus, am completely sterile :slight_smile: Just thought I’d provide one rather significant counterpoint example, purely for entertainment value.

You also say “after spending time with very negative people, we start feeling this way ourselves.”

There’s a scientific reason for that, in fact! As the human nervous system is a bio-electric generator, it naturally resonates at an average electrical frequency. No surprise there. When we encounter an electrical field of a similar, yet different frequency (ie, someone who’s angry, depressed or even happy and ecstatic), there is a discordance introduced to our own bioelectric field (or the “aura”, using new-age terminology). Over a short space of time, the higher-amplitude field will influence the lower-amplitude field to make more like itself. Think of it in terms of the brain picking up the electromagnetic emissions from the angry person, and modifying itself to put out the same frequency of electric field along the central nervous system (i.e, up and down the spine, to simplify things a little). The only way it can do that, is to make you angry as well, so that your brain is putting out the same frequency of waves as the angry person you’re near. That’s why you can feel tension in a room. It’s not the room at all, but the people in it (which is obvious). If you spend long enough in that room (i.e, around those people), your brain will adjust itself to the strongest of frequencies, and the room will no longer feel tense… But you will be tense in sympathy with the environment. It’s like your skin getting used to the water in a really hot bath. At first it may scald, but soon enough it feels completely natural.

I’m afraid I don’t have any genuine research evidence for this on hand :frowning:
If anyone does, I’d really appreciate your posting a link or two. Also, the reason that closing down one’s chakra / aura to prevent this kind of influence (assuming it’s negative emotion) usually works really well, is because you’re consciously slowing down those parts of the brain which react to empathy (in the bioelectric sense detailed above). The whole process is a simple evolutionary adaptation which i’m sure you can see would be really helpful in social situations:)

If i think up anything else i’ll post later. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with Raziel!

yours, Tj.

Thanks for the link and the input :slight_smile: Tbh at the moment I’m still sorta in the ‘Am I really making contact or is it just my own thoughts’ phase. I know it’s normal though and I’m going to keep going. Even if I’m just talking to myself, it’s been one hell of an interesting convo lol.

Regarding your, erm, reproductive choices - do you reckon it may have anything to do with the Saturnian influence in your life/birth chart (I know you’ve mentioned before being a Capricorn)? I personally do not have a desire to have children either- and I’ve always connected this lack of maternal feeling to my Aries Sun. It’s funny actually as I was thinking about this whole issue earlier today. I’m at that age now where a lot of my friends are deciding it’s time to pop out some babies, but, I dunno- guess I’m just too selfish…

The point is though that most people do not share my feelings on the matter. The majority of people do want to have children, often desperately so. Also, the whole concept of evolution, at it’s core is the need for ‘survival’, and I’m interested in why exactly this urge exists. Why not it’s opposite? Why do things evolve in the first place?

Ah man that info regarding the nervous system is awesome! I just love when science starts to corroborate occult theories (or occult knowledge rather). Also, now that you’ve mentioned closing down your aura, I remembered that Raziel actually told me the exact same thing during our first conversation! I’ve just checked in my journal and the exact phrase I wrote down was ‘Solidify your aura by simple command (when out in public)’. I had forgotten to mention that in the first post actually.

Anyway, I’ve heard of Higgs Boson but not entirely clear on what it is- going to research that some more tonight.

Thanks again for all the great info!

[quote=“Akasha, post:15, topic:6055”]So I meant to update this a while back, but I got lazy…

My last session with Raziel was slightly different- instead of opening his sigil, I stuck it under my pillow, with the intention of taking a nap and hopefully receiving some info in the form of a dream. However I struggled to sleep, but fell into a light meditation and received some great info anyway.

I now have a better understanding of the mental plane. Being a realm of ‘pure thought’, it is a plane of potential. This is the plane where thoughts originate,. These ideas are then drawn down to the astral via the LoA, and then finally, via the same mechanism, become manifested reality in the physical. The physical then, is the plane of ‘Manifested Desires’ (the astral being the intermediate- the realm of thoughtforms).

During my sessions with Raziel, it has become more and more apparent to me that the way to truly gain mastery over our lives and what we want to manifest, is to be constantly aware of the LoA, to be mindful that just like the physical manifestation of the attractive force- gravity- the LoA is always operating. I know it sounds obvious, and I guess it’s something we all know in a theoretical sense, but when it’s so easy to forget when things start going wrong in life. I’m at a point now where I’m continually evaluating what exactly it is I’m thinking, feeling, attracting into my life at any particular moment in time.

I’ve got two visualization exercises (that came to me during this session) that I wanted to share with you- as it has been helpful in my daily life and hopefully someone else might find it useful.

First one (‘Grape Picking’ Visualization):

The appropriate time to do this is in those instances when, during your day to day life, you are faced with a situation that could possibly go wrong, or alternatively could play out exactly as you wish. Literally do this the second that pesky ‘what if this happens’ (the negative scenario) thought pops into your head. As soon as that thought occurs- remind yourself that you have a choice, become aware, that very instant, that the LoA is in operation and you can chose which scenario you want to manifest. Once you are mindful that the LoA is in operation- imagine a grapevine in front of you (just above your head, within arm’s reach). In your minds eye see the grapes on the grapevine- and view each grape as a possible scenario, that could potentially manifest. Now visualize yourself reaching up and picking the particular grape that you want to manifest ie the scenario that you wish to occur. Re-affirm it in your mind my commanding it to manifest.

‘Red Balloon’ Exercise:

This is one to do daily. The best time to do it is before you go to sleep. Think of some things that you want in life- it could be anything (happiness, money, love –whatever). Now imagine the first thing (the desire) as a thoughtform, in the shape of a red balloon. Reach up and pull this towards you. Now breathe in, and as you exhale imagine your breath is inflating the balloon. Repeat this two or three times and once the it is fully inflated- say something along the lines of ‘happiness’ - Become! Manifest! And imagine releasing the balloon (the thoughtform) back into the astral plane. Repeat the procedure with the other desires.[/quote]

I think I’m going to try these out.

Arcane- Please let me know how it goes for you, I’ve found them to be incredibly helpful :slight_smile:

We had to write a lab report for tomorrow,but only received our instruction sheets on Thursday.Oh noes!

So Saturday morning,when I was notified by my classmates that everyone wanted the teacher to move the deadline from Monday to Thursday,I immediately closed all lights in the room and…

Well,I soul traveled and vampirized some people,but more importantly,I used the balloon method and sent the teacher an email.It didn’t work because my email has some problems.

So,when the teacher didn’t respond for 24 hours,I realized what had happened,and then I meditated again,and swapped those negative thoughts for positive ones,using the grape-picking visualization,and sent it to a friend telling him to forward it.

He did this,and at the end of the day,our classmistress comes in to notify us all:‘‘The lab report deadline has been moved to Thursday.:slight_smile: Tell everyone who isn’t on facebook’’(and that includes me since I do not have a facebook profile).

So,we will consider these a successful application of the Law of Attraction.

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