Intense Transformations with the Archangels of the Zodiac

It’s called the cosmic lotus I believe but doesn’t really matter, I didn’t go according to his book

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Can you tell what changes did you do?

I luv the Shem Zodiac power

As a beginning astrologer I find this fascinating. Not sure if you are familiar with your birth chart but I was wondering if this challenge would help remove blocks/obstacles one has due to planets in weak positions of their birth chart? Also, I may have missed/misunderstood but where would I find this 72 challenge? I am familiar with the 72 “demons” of each zodiac from the 72 Keys of Solomon.

The zodiac is simply the wheel of karma, the whole point of the transformation all zodiac signs, and break out of this egg to become the god of light

But I suppose it could help with individual karma as well



Last 2 weeks, the spirits told me to do the cosmic lotus and Shem operation on Sundays. Appearantly this was the true purpose of Sunday school in Christianity.

Communing with god at the temple/church is the communing with the godhead at the Kalachakra temple within also known as shamballa.

I took a break for a bit, only within the last few weeks I’ve been able to do the work I am doing right now.

The Shem operation did something very bizarre, the first time I did it, was with a friend, and he also reported the same feelings I had.

I felt completely and utterly protected, my energy felt very very clear and I felt like I had absolutely nothing to worry about. We both felt like a warm light around our lower chakras and we both felt very uplifted.

But I noticed there was also a flip side, my body was clearing out everything that made me feel uncomfortable, for example my intimate partner and the stress I take on from her, or clingy family members that can sometimes be draining, it was things that were tolerable

But the second week I did it on my own, and I felt very supercharged. I felt like my heart was reset and I could finally feel my soul again in a way. It is most definitely an intense experience. Though I felt great, there was also a flip side, where some of the arguments in my relationships would bring out all of the unresolved traumas, numbness, anger and sadness I experienced in the past.

The same day, everywhere I looked someone was arguing on the street, in the parking lot, it was like no matter where I went I saw traces of this energy. To the point where my next door neighbor, a full grown man looked like he was crying when he opened the door.

By no means am I trying to associate my observations with this operation however it was something that popped into my awareness.

So this is ritual I did

• Banishing Rite of the Goddess by Enoch Petrucelly

• Circle of Heka by Enoch Petrucelly

• Circle of the Heavens by Enoch Petrucelly

• Anunnaki Middle Pillar by Enoch Petrucelly

• Cloak of Light Invocation by Enoch Petrucelly

• Dragonsflame Rite by Drake Valentine

• Evocation of the Archangels of the Tree of Life

• Evocation of the Archangels of the Zodiac

• Evocation of the Decans of the Zodiac

• Evocation of the 72 Shem Angels

When doing this ritual, I first gain a clear vision of the mind of god above me with all the angels as aspects of it. And then I start bringing all of that light down. And do breathwork to channel it through my bodies and meridians and lastly I store it.

This is my update for now, it’s definitely a transformational process, definitely not for everyone. I hope those that are interested give it a try, these angels aren’t hard to work with and the enchantments prior to calling them definitely enhance the ritual, especially the circle of the heavens, serves as a great energy to bridge that celestial energy, down into not only the earth but also the the sun and black due to the energetic convergence that occurs via the circle of Heka that channels the energies of the white and black suns. And with the dragons flame ritual it’s even more enchanced due to the balance and empowerment of the elemental energies.

Enjoy :clinking_glasses:


@Alahimavatara I would like to start doing breathwork with the Archangels of the Zodiac. Can you please post the instructions? Or let me know which book to use. Thank you. Your posts have been inspiring!


If this was easy, the powers that be would seize upon the opportunity to use them themselves.
Many governments have already looked into mind control and the occult. Whatever it is they discovered you can bet they are using it at this very moment, in secret. But their tactics are likey cloak and dagger type stuff. Its more subtle than striking someone down with lightning in public.

Better to gain super human knowledge of something mundane that nobody will question like the intellectual ability to engineer drones or other weapons of war. You assert more control over society the more you can convince them of a decided lie or convince them of the non-existence of something like magic. They are equally powerful methods for controlling the masses.

You can do a lot of damage to your enemy from the shadows if not more than you would coming to physical blows with them.


“You have to relate the banality of their message to the rapacity of their ambition”.

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